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WLSC 204 "En route to the midnight sky" in Gatineau, Tybalteva. Results page 8


February 7, 2010
Scotland & Moisantia
When WorldVision likes your post in an alternative song contest sub-forum xheat

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Well-known member
October 2, 2009
Ankara, Turkey // Effiland


And now the last piece of news of today.

Effilands Television, the national broadcaster has released a statement a few hours ago amid public pressure and
international interest regarding the country's next entry on Waiting List Song Contest's 204th edition.

In the statement, chairwoman of EfT, Yodelei Yodeleisson denied all claims of withdrawal and pointed out that
the official confirmation had been submitted to the hosting broadcaster earlier this week. Following the statement,
harsh criticism from the public scaled down immediately.

We reached out to Yodeleisson's office for an interview but the chairwoman was obliged to turn down because of
her busy schedule; but she commented with a few sentences:

"We are trying our best to find the perfect entry that will both represent Effiland and bring a successful result,
maybe even a trophy. It's a big task to undertake and we take it very seriously. I ensure people of Effiland that
we are going to be on that stage in Gatineau."

While the chairman did not comment on the search of the song or the artist, some speculation circulated that
the song is a "bop" and the artist is a returning one from either the NSC or WLSC. We reached out to Mabel Matiz, Effiland's
debut WLSC representer and Matiz teased a possible return.

It's also rumoured that three artist and five songs are shortlisted to be the representer of the country and that it's a
tough choice between them.

We also asked the chairwoman about the tensions in Tybalteva's borders with Kamandé. Chairwoman Yodeleisson
stated that she was sure that the tensions would be handled smoothly and the security would not be a problem.

The entry is expected to be released in early days of next week.

I'm EfT International's Ulrikk Attentionsson and you have watched the News Hour. Gott Natt!

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Super Moderator 🌴
Staff member
March 1, 2013

Breaking news coming out of Solentoya in regards to the recent tension between Kamande and Tybalteva.

"[...] It's no secret the contempt both countries hold for each other, so it's always all the more
worrying when tensions like this come to ahead. However things seemed to have stabilised
in recent hours. The main crossing point between the country has been closed for some time
now and it seems it will remain that way for the future. With WLSC being hosted there soon, some are
questioning however if it is in fact safe to go to Tybalteva. Now I wouldn't saying it should be cancelled, but
it is a possibility."
Said Sol TV Galea Correspondent, Lia Jiang.

Raul Hernandez, Head of Solentoyas main music label, Fuesica Group, spoke out claiming that Tybalteva is
unstable and unfit to host the current edition. Claiming they couldn't make any realistic claims of safety
while they and Kamande continue a war of words. As such they would be considering pulling their sponsorship
of this editions current entry.

With these developments Sol 2 TV producer and Head of Delegation for WLSC, Luca Rossi was forced to
release the following statement:
"While we are concerned with the current situation going on between Kamande and Tybalteva, we are
confident that both Nassi and the team going to Gatineau will be safe. Under no circumstances would
we endanger any lives. Not only that, the hosting broadcaster and government in Tybalteva have made
assurances that there wont be any compromises in safety. We currently have no plans to withdraw and
should Fuesica Group pull their sponsorship we will find other means. That being said, should things
worsen we will explore other options. Referring all of you to 2018 World Cup in which we hosted some of
the Kamande Football matches. We are confident everything will be fine".


January 17, 2012
💛 Trivia of the day 💛

Today is a gruelling day in several ways: the online ticket sales have started this morning (please check, the stage is almost ready now and the first technical rehearsals will begin tonight. As for the participants' rehearsals, they will start on Monday.

To all the heads of delegation reading this, here are some dates I was given. Please inform your respective teams.

Friday 11 September
Allocation draw (private ceremony) at 8:00
Dress rehearsal show 1 at 10:00
Jury show at 14:00
Red carpet and opening ceremony (at the House of Alchemists) at 18:00 (until about midnight)

Saturday 12 September
Dress rehearsal show 2 at 14:00
Final show at 21:00

As you may imagine, all the Tybaltevan media have talked about yesterday's explosions. Our prime minister Edyta Toblerova, our knight of Foreign Affairs Anna Madara Pērkone and our knight of Armies and Police Karel Peterka held a joint press conference broadcast on TV last night, the watchwords being "reassurance" and "utmost security". No Kamandéan statement has been issued as of now.


But let's deal with a lighter subject matter, WLSC is all about work and fun, so the adventure can only be better experienced with great accommodation. Forget about all the luxury hotels that all look the same, we decided to accommodate you all at the 4-star Hotel du Repos du Guerrier ("well-earned rest" inn), our oldest and most sought-after hotel, located 700 meters away from the arena.

During your stay, you will get a genuine taste of our past at this building that will take you to the Tybaltevan medieval times!
Walk through the corridors and discover your rooms.



Of course, the hotel has been entirely refurbished to meet our comfort standards, you will enjoy modern private bathrooms.

Getting hungry? The hotel has a tavern for you to regain your strength. All the dishes served there are inspired by the Middle Ages and you will have to eat with your bare hands! No cutlery!


Every evening, the tavern offers a show from 19:00 to midnight: while feasting on your roasted meat, get entertained by live medieval music, dancers, swordsmen, conjurers, fire breathers and more!

This was my idea, so I hope I made the right choice in the end. If you have any trouble checking in upon your arrival, please let me know, I have all the booking codes. ;)

Sincerely yours,

:giggle: Tuorem :giggle:

Le Bruit

Well-known member
October 2, 2009
Québec City
I love this. 😂
... I mean...
I love the thousands of victims our army has managed to make in Tybalteva. May our righteous Supreme Leader Malena Ernman and her prestigious but lesser known daughter command our troups to victory!

We're willing to break the rules and take part in WLSC, if needed. We'll send a 14 minutes song. Be ready.

(And let's not forget that Gatineau is a real city in Québec. A very boring one. Which is a reasonable motive to be bombarded.)

(Tuorem, tu m'as déjà donné des points dans le NSC, jusqu'à présent, comme membre de la liste d'attente? Si oui, je retire toutes mes hostilités envers ton pays... pour le moment. Faisons la paix. Oh et tu peux donner la place de Kamandé à la Coupe du monde à un autre pays, on s'en fout un peu pas mal, nous, du football. On a une équipe de merde de toute façon. :p)
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January 17, 2012
I love this. 😂
... I mean...
I love the thousands of victims our army has managed to make in Tybalteva. May our righteous Supreme Leader Malena Ernman and her prestigious but lesser known daughter command our troups to victory!

We're willing to break the rules and take part in WLSC, if needed. We'll send a 14 minutes song. Be ready.

(And let's not forget that Gatineau is a real city in Québec. A very boring one. Which is a reasonable motive to be bombarded.)

(Tuorem, tu m'as déjà donné des points dans le NSC, jusqu'à présent, comme membre de la liste d'attente? Si oui, je retire toutes mes hostilités envers ton pays... pour le moment. Faisons la paix. Oh et tu peux donner la place de Kamandé à la Coupe du monde à un autre pays, on s'en fout un peu pas mal, nous, du football. On a une équipe de merde de toute façon. :p)

OMG! And now the little imp is poking us and making fun of our capital! Madness! :mad:

You guys can wait for your visas to be delivered: the average delay is approximately forever and a day.xbeee See you in hell.

Veliky, j'ignorais que tu parlais français! :oops: Je crois que c'est même la première fois qu'on se parle directement :LOL: tout d'abord, désolé pour le désordre ambiant, j'avais besoin de créer un conflit territorial et comme tu étais l'un de mes deux voisins directs avec Ujedinjeni Gvozd, j'ai joué à pile ou face et c'est tombé sur toi :ROFLMAO: Quelque part, ça collait bien parce que Malena est assez féroce sur les réseaux sociaux.

Oui, je sais que Gatineau est une ville réelle. C'est aussi le patronyme d'un bon ami à moi qui est moitié Québecois ;) ça a sans doute influé sur ma décision de baptiser ma capitale de la sorte.

Alors, il faudrait que je ressorte mes archives, mais je me rappelle que tu as reçu des points de Tybalteva quand tu as envoyé Garmarna, le première édition de NSC que j'ai suivie: une anomalie que n'ont pas pu prévenir nos jurys sans doute :p

Bien sûr, je ne demande qu'à normaliser nos relations :) par contre, si tu n'avais pas vraiment prévu de participer à WLSC cette fois, je te propose un arrangement: soumets-moi une chanson troll (ou que tu n'enverras jamais nulle part) ici, comme ça je peux créer un événement style la Russie en 2017 et rejeter ta proposition, ça permettrait d'ajouter un "coup de théâtre" au wiki. :LOL: Un post suffira. Sinon je suis pris à mon propre piège, j'aurais bien aimé te voir nous rejoindre, mais ça ne serait pas très réaliste si je te laissais participer après dix ans de conflit et une semaine après des explosions à la frontière. Qu'en penses-tu? Après, j'aurai le temps de nous rabibocher avec un sommet historique entre nos dirigeants. :)


January 17, 2012
💛 Trivia of the day 💛

Hi guys, I hope you are doing well, here in Gatineau the process is in full swing.

The artists' rehearsals have started this morning: Ayumi Hamasaki (Tanoiro) seemed to have discussed a lot with the technical team about the special effects she will use and there was apparently a glitch with Nassi's background graphics (Solentoya). Otherwise, there was nothing worth noting imo, SOMI's (Emsfrynt) and New Hope Club's (Svobodnia) rehearsals went well.

This afternoon: Raiven (Pyreica), Jaloo (Utopolis), IIRIS (Griffin Empire) and Jorja Smith (Bigicia) are expected to set foot on stage.


As usual, I waited for the bus this morning to go to work (at the TYBC headquarters) and look what I've found!



It seems like promotion intensifies, so I had to tweet the news.


I was surprised to learn this pair had been chosen. Last week, my superiors shortlisted about twelves names and sent them to my husband the King for consideration and I wasn't aware a decision had been made. While waiting at the bus stop, I immediately called my husband the King to know more about it: he told me that - since Tybalteva has five states with different official languages apart from Tybaltevan - he purposely picked figures who would represent the diversity of our people.

And since Archeviers (the state where our capital is located) is often accused of being over-represented, it was smart not to pick anyone coming from there.

Tybaltevan actress Emma Watson was born in the state of Sunaflowerù where most inhabitants speak English as a second language. She hosted various major shows such as the Pièzito Festival and the Tybaltevan Music Awards, and was among the commentators of the King's wedding live broadcast in 2014. She is currently promoting a movie called "Double-lock the door when leaving" where she plays a ward wrongly sent to a mental health facility. She speaks Tybaltevan, English and a bit of French, and she'll be the main presenter of WLSC.

Tybaltevan singer Taeyeon is a critically acclaimed vocalist who was born in the state of Tàesegù, where Korean is a common second language. Since she became a soloist, she released two albums that hit number one in the charts and won several awards for her achievements; she also sang for several movie soundtracks, went five times on international tours and hosted a few radio shows. She speaks Tybaltevan and Korean, and she'll assist Watson in presenting WLSC, going back and forth between the arena and the green room located in a nearby building.

I guess that is all you had to know today!

Sincerely yours,

:giggle: Tuorem :giggle:


April 20, 2015
A Bridge Too Far
Utopolis sent a bilingual song (well technically at least) to celebrate Tybaltevan diversité! Give points du bonus s'il vous plaît.


Well-known member
May 11, 2011
Roseland, that entry is not valid :(

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