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United Kingdom UNITED KINGDOM 2024 - Olly Alexander - Dizzy

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ESC United Mod Team

Super Moderator
February 10, 2021


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Super Moderator 🌴
Staff member
March 1, 2013
I kind of dislike the fact it's a very well composed song, and he sing it quite good as well, but goes Ru Paul's Drag race with the staging. Even some guys would think this is way too much. Guy texted me from the show "this can never get more than 5 points from behind the Iron Curtain". It's a trend I guess in the tiktok era, but it made me sad watching this.

Maybe we should just tell Turkey to match the UK's money bag and let the UK try to qualify with this.

I must say this is quite an outdated mindset and sort feeds into a previous discussion. If it was a female singer I bet the person texting wouldn't feel the same at all. Did he have comments on Chanel? I wonder how he will feel about Malta on Thursday. Not only that, the iron curtain doesn't exist anymore. Eastern Europe isn't some backwards insular hell hole where LGBTQ people don't exist and people read bibles all day. Conchita managed to score very well across Eastern Europe for example. 12 from Slovenia, 10 from Georgia & Lithuania, 8 from Ukraine and so on. Then there is Ireland 2018 with their staging, which got points decent points from Albania, Czechia, Poland etc. People are far more open minded than us westerners like to think.


January 26, 2019
Prague, Czech Republic
His vocals weren't good in the dress rehearsal show either I am afraid. I do like the staging (screw them conventions), I think it's very good, though not the absolute best you have ever sent - Sam's one was the stroke of a genius where everything clicked together, Ollie's is "just" very well done and executed. I also have the song as an earworm from the moment I first heard it, so it gets a :10: from me.

But seriously, if those vocals aren't on point on Saturday, this could end up a lot closer to Mae than Sam. Which would be a shame, as the top 10 potential is there.


Well-known member
March 13, 2011
Can we all leave Olly, Chanel, Conchita, Nebulossa's dancers etc. alone? I hate the pervy looking windowsguy and treated :fi: as toilet break tonight. It's easy. Some of you should try.

Ana Raquel

OM Mod
Staff member
March 3, 2018
If you are complaining about the vocals from the live show..................... I am so sorry you didn't get to experience the press-exclusive rehearsal vocals :lol:

fab performance, though. hopefully he can nail it when it matters the most


Well-known member
May 21, 2021
I must say this is quite an outdated mindset and sort feeds into a previous discussion. If it was a female singer I bet the person texting wouldn't feel the same at all. Did he have comments on Chanel? I wonder how he will feel about Malta on Thursday. Not only that, the iron curtain doesn't exist anymore. Eastern Europe isn't some backwards insular hell hole where LGBTQ people don't exist and people read bibles all day. Conchita managed to score very well across Eastern Europe for example. 12 from Slovenia, 10 from Georgia & Lithuania, 8 from Ukraine and so on. Then there is Ireland 2018 with their staging, which got points decent points from Albania, Czechia, Poland etc. People are far more open minded than us westerners like to think.
Just asked him this, his answer: "non-straight people identifying born as guys will be treated much more harshly then people born as girls". Sad answer, but I think it's true tbf.
Second: that comparison to Ryan is wrong. Those two dancers; weren't naked; the one time they were close, it was dimmed out; and they deliberately put a girl play-backing on a piano in the picture as well. I think if he just gave the dancers some blazers or a shirt, he'd not be 3rd in odds to come dead last. IMHO, sometimes, less it better.


Well-known member
May 18, 2012
I suppose there could be the problem that I'm not the target audience but the movements aren't attractive to me. It all feels squashed and awkward. Whereas the music itself is trying to flow sweetly.

Though some of the dancers looks to the camera suggest it's meant to have an awkward humour to it, of them meaning to look uncomfortable.

Rocket man

Well-known member
March 25, 2022
Olly is doing his country so proud. The whole performance is fantastic.

I did wonder with staging like this if his mic pack would fall out at some point, thank goodness it happened last night before Friday/Saturday. You can see him holding it from halfway through the performance.

This is why it was such a good idea to let the big 5 countries perform in the semi finals now, it gives us more time to perfect our performances.


Super Moderator
Staff member
April 12, 2014
Canterbury, UK
Also not y’all coming for vocals when you’re voting the likes of Finland through


April 20, 2015
A Bridge Too Far
I'm not a fan of the song although it's prefectly decent and I thought his performance on the vocal side could be improved, but the staging was really well done if a bit too much of a gimmick. I mean they just ignore the stage basically, I'm not fond of that. Did allow for a great ending where they are suddenly on stage.

But yeah there's this second thread running through the discourse. It must be addressed. I am straight. This staging was too gay for me to really appreciate at the surface level. I don't like looking at it. If such scenes occur in the wild it's fine, I just turn my head and let people be. This I actually want to watch, but I just experience myself not liking what I see. We can all write entire bibles and dictionaries on the subject, but it is of no use, people just feel the way they do. Perhaps in the future the discriminatory baseline this all comes from goes away, perhaps it does not, I do not know. We live in the present, it is the present we are dealing with now.


August 10, 2020
Loved the performance, vocals could be better but they were okay I felt, can't wait for his grand final performance


Well-known member
April 24, 2015
I mean this discussion is a bit pointless anway because both sides have their strong opinions no matter what will happen. But for me as a bi guy who obviously also is into men to a certain point, this stage show already feels very cliché gay and doesn't leave my with a comfortable feeling. As I said before, it's mostly the facial expressions and the weird demonish touch of the whole performance. Does the community really need THAT? Do gays really feel well represented by that kind of performance? That's something that amazes me a lot. That strong support of a performance that shows a very cliché side of homosexuality somehow. But maybe being bi is not enough to understand it.

And talking about his vocals, I mean I expect way more from a so-called "world star" than yesterday's performance.


Well-known member
May 18, 2021
The staging is world class, but I just think Olly is pretty poorly styled to be very blunt. Going to sound rude but the haircut he had when he was announced on Strictly made him seem much more "votable". As has been rumoured for many months, his vocals aren't very impressive either sadly.


January 21, 2019
Tumblr, mostly.
Great act but vocally poor. A pity. He really needs backing support, his voice is just a wee bit too thin for a song like Dizzy.

I really do like the visuals though - so hopefully the performance in the finale is more on point so that I can put him higher on my list. But the performance we had in the semi was objectively the weaker of the AQs, despite having the strongest song out of the three.


Well-known member
February 2, 2019
I'm gonna poke my head above the trenches here and say there is a whole lot of reaching and herd mentality going on from people here and elsewhere. The staging is absolutely fantastic, easily the best we've done and I dare say one of the best ever. (...)
It's a bit ironic talking about herd mentality when the instant reactions on his performance here yesterday were exactly that, praising him like there's no tomorrow. :D

I really think this by far the most disappointing performance yesterday night. Overly produced and rehearsed but nothing was coming together. Weak vocals aside, I doubt these kinky-Troye-Sivan-inspired-aesthetic worked. In fact the camera was too close to them and the outfits should give Albania are run for the money for the Barbara Dex Award if that would still exist. The result was more trashy in a vulgar than in a campy way and I doubt this is what UK and Olly were aiming for.

I don't see a path for this were this isn't flopping so I just hope UK will not be discouraged again. Kuddos to a well known artist to take that challenge, it could've also go another way around. Please anyone, don't be disappointed when this ends in the bottom half.


Super Moderator 🌴
Staff member
March 1, 2013
It's a bit ironic talking about herd mentality when the instant reactions on his performance here yesterday were exactly that, praising him like there's no tomorrow. :D

I really think this by far the most disappointing performance yesterday night. Overly produced and rehearsed but nothing was coming together. Weak vocals aside, I doubt these kinky-Troye-Sivan-inspired-aesthetic worked. In fact the camera was too close to them and the outfits should give Albania are run for the money for the Barbara Dex Award if that would still exist. The result was more trashy in a vulgar than in a campy way and I doubt this is what UK and Olly were aiming for.

I don't see a path for this were this isn't flopping so I just hope UK will not be discouraged again. Kuddos to a well known artist to take that challenge, it could've also go another way around. Please anyone, don't be disappointed when this ends in the bottom half.

Please tell me where I praise him like no tomorrow in my post?. Other than saying he did well to carry on (which he did!) when his mic pack fell out my post is almost entirely about the staging. Which based on the rest of your reply we are not going to agree on. In fact I say his vocals were not the best.


Well-known member
February 10, 2018
Can I just say that regardless of who will win on Saturday this staging is the best we have seen so far. By miles. No, by light years. Absolutely brilliant.
Well I personally really like the staging but i think ireland does it more impressive.
The edits here are so damn fast its hard to process. I'd give u that from a creative standpoint its amazing indeed but it doesnt really allow u to take it in.


Well-known member
February 2, 2019
Please tell me where I praise him like no tomorrow in my post?. Other than saying he did well to carry on (which he did!) when his mic pack fell out my post is almost entirely about the staging. Which based on the rest of your reply we are not going to agree on. In fact I say his vocals were not the best.
Sorry for not making it clear. I was referring to the posts that came just before yours. It was just a bit funny because you mentioned herd-mentality but more for the opposite-opinion I guess. ;)


Well-known member
May 9, 2014
I mean this discussion is a bit pointless anway because both sides have their strong opinions no matter what will happen. But for me as a bi guy who obviously also is into men to a certain point, this stage show already feels very cliché gay and doesn't leave my with a comfortable feeling. As I said before, it's mostly the facial expressions and the weird demonish touch of the whole performance. Does the community really need THAT? Do gays really feel well represented by that kind of performance? That's something that amazes me a lot. That strong support of a performance that shows a very cliché side of homosexuality somehow. But maybe being bi is not enough to understand it.

And talking about his vocals, I mean I expect way more from a so-called "world star" than yesterday's performance.
It’s interesting that you are wondering if gay guys feel well-represented by the performance. Is that even the point? Does a gay performance need to represent gay people? Whenever there are straight people on stage, does anyone ever wonder if the “straight community” feels well-represented by it?

That being said, I’m wondering if the trans community feels well-represented by a screaming witch that is conjuring a demon.
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