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United Kingdom UNITED KINGDOM 2024 - Olly Alexander - Dizzy

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Well-known member
April 24, 2015
It’s okay, not more. Very repetitive tbh. You could have done more with that big name! :6: points from me.

Ted Talks

Well-known member
February 7, 2024
Well I'm very much in the 'it's a solid, good entry but lacks a wow moment' camp. I really like the song as a song and think it comes across as really genuine to Olly and his Years and Years days. The Pet Shop Boys sound is good too.

I do feel like it never gets out of third gear though. It's good, but it could still go another level. It's kind of how I felt with Sam two years ago. I wasn't blown away by Spaceman on the reveal, got behind it in time for the final and was then wowed on the night of the final itself by Sam's performance - and the guitar solo!

We just need something to elevate Dizzy to a higher level. I think mid-table is realistic and top 10 is the upper ceiling for the song. Would love it to do better of course as it's my country.

A good solid :7: though. With a couple tweaks here and then (plus some super staging), I'm optimistic, but I won't get carried away - yet! :D

Ted Talks

Well-known member
February 7, 2024
Kudos to the UK for sticking to their native language since almost 70 years. The song unfortunately sounds like a soundtrack for a sleazy party dungeon full of demons sniffing certain fumes. I rebuke these demons and move on.
I think the bit in bold says more about you than it does the UK song.

It just comes across as you being deliberately outrageous for the sake of it. Must try harder...

Ted Talks

Well-known member
February 7, 2024
Wait! This song is about me? 12 points then!

:rolleyes: I’ll try to be surprised at that response.
I’ll try…

But as someone who regularly viewed this forum last year before creating an account this time round, your name now rings a bell. And it’s not exactly for good reasons…


Well-known member
March 10, 2020
Lviv, Ukraine
I expected a little bit more from him to be honest. :(
I listened to the song a few times and my main thought is that this is a typical song from spotify/shazam top100, somewhere around 30-40 position - you can hear a quality but song lacks something memoriable. With strong staging and performance he might sneak in the bottom of top10, but you know that BBC could always find their trumpets (or something even wilder) and he'll be too close to bottom 5 with a song that is not so bad. :7: points from me.


Well-known member
May 20, 2019
I will admit that when I first listened to this last night I forgot that this was a song for Eurovision and just thought this was just some modern pop song that Youtube decided to recommend to me. I think that it is a solid pop song, well produced, and sounds great. However, and I know this might sound heretical to say but, this just gives me Last Breath vibes.

Last Breath was a decent contemporary (relative to when it came out) pop song that was pleasant to listen to and sounded better than what came the year before. But the song didn't really go anywhere and felt like it ended rather abruptly. And the same can be said about Dizzy. I do feel that Dizzy is a far stronger track and is pound for pound a better song. However, it feels like it is lacking something.

It feels like there is an extra ten seconds missing from the track. Maybe they have something they are holding back on which they'll reveal closer to the event. What that might be I don't know as the track itself feels rather feature-complete. Unless they are going to add something like a dance break but I really don't know. For now I'm giving it an :8: though this might change with time.


Well-known member
February 5, 2011
Now that sounds good to me! Out of the embers, the UK comes to light up the room! They sure would never disappoint by merely resting on their laurels.... Instead They Wrote A Song that's truly Bigger Than Us, and will proudly be Flying the Flag for their country! Oh UK, i'm still in love with you, and i will never give up on you!

Expect the classic British placement.

Rocket man

Well-known member
March 25, 2022
I just realised "Dizzy" reminds me of Miley Cyrus "Flowers," no massive dramatic moment in the song but just has that classic, vintage sound to it which is very replayable and catchy. I remember "Flowers" had similar comments when that came out, it's "mid", it's "average", and yet the song became the biggest song of the year in the UK and the USA last year.

The only difference is, is that the song "Dizzy" will be in a competition against other songs and will need to stand out, I do think that Olly has some cards close to his chest and there will be a dramatic difference at the end of the song in May at Eurovision for more impact. But even if that doesn't happen, I'm still confident "Dizzy" will stand out as a classic pop song that people will gravitate more towards and the quirky, "loud" entries this year will cancel each other out.


June 16, 2018
Was underwhelmed by the snippet and hhearing Dizzy in full hasn't changed my mind. Very milquetoast and it never progresses. Chorus isn’t strong enough to really leave an impact for me either even if it's professional sounding. This feels like an album filler more than a single to me. The Pet Shop Boys reference checks out but I'm not a fan of them so that hardly changes my opinion.

I don't think Olly will pull a Mae and finish 25th like some people have been saying as he's a far more experienced live performer but I do think a top 10 position might be a tough task. It might be helped in standing out though due to all the loud and in your face songs we have this year.


Super Moderator
Staff member
April 12, 2014
Canterbury, UK
Watching Olly on BBC One being interviewed by Graham Norton. God love him, he’s genuinely so excited and thrilled to be doing this for us! :uk:


Super Moderator 🌴
Staff member
March 1, 2013
Watching Olly on BBC One being interviewed by Graham Norton. God love him, he’s genuinely so excited and thrilled to be doing this for us! :uk:

I love that he named some Eurovision songs that show hes an actual fan, and not just naming the normal go to songs like Abba
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