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Ukraine UKRAINE 2019 - not taking part

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Albania Superstar
August 21, 2014
Phoenix, AZ / Oovoo Javer
Re: UKRAINE 2019 - Maruv - Siren Song

This song is growing on me quite a bit. I'm ready to rescue the drop from the scrap heap where I'd left it because it's very strident. 8 points feels kind, but I'm not going to lie: I'm getting a liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiittle bit desperate to enjoy stuff so will really try with this one. 8 points. Also:

my biggest problem with this situation is that if they see so much problem in letting maruv represent them, then WHY WAS SHE EVEN INCLUDED IN VIDBIR LOL. she wasn't in the original roster, she replaced tayanna with her sudden withdrawal. they already knew beforehand of her extensive work in russia. why is it an issue only now? LEAVE HER ALOOOOOONE.

Best take in the thread A++


Active member
February 18, 2012
Re: UKRAINE 2019 - Maruv - Siren Song

For those who wonder, from Maruv's Instagram and Facebook.
First thing they want her to do is cancelling all shows in Russia, which she agrees with.
BUT also NTKU says:

1. She's forbiden to improvise, everything has to be settled with the broadcaster first (even a freestyle split on stage will lead to a 2 million grivnas fine)
2. Warner Music has to immediately pass all the rights for this song to NTKU
3. She has to follow whatever they say (theoretically, they can force her to sing at some rich sponsor's birthday party and fine her with the same 2 million in case of a refusal)
4. She cannot freely communicate with the media without NTKU approval (which violates basic human right of free speech)

These are the main ones but she also adds there are some more adsurdities without specifying them and asks for a public resonance and help.
EBU has to interfere. Immediately.

Edit: ah yeah, forgot to mention, she also pays for the trip from her own pocket, full coverege.


ESC Moderator
March 27, 2010
Re: UKRAINE 2019 - Maruv - Siren Song

For those who wonder, from Maruv's Instagram and Facebook.
First thing they want her to do is cancelling all shows in Russia, which she agrees with.
BUT also NTKU says:

1. She's forbiden to improvise, everything has to be settled with the broadcaster first (even a freestyle split on stage will lead to a 2 million grivnas fine)
2. Warner Music has to immediately pass all the rights for this song to NTKU
3. She has to follow whatever they say (theoretically, they can force her to sing at some rich sponsor's birthday party and fine her with the same 2 million in case of a refusal)
4. She cannot freely communicate with the media without NTKU approval (which violates basic human right of free speech)

These are the main ones but she also adds there are some more adsurdities without specifying them and asks for a public resonance and help.
EBU has to interfere. Immediately.

Edit: ah yeah, forgot to mention, she also pays for the trip from her own pocket, full coverege.

She absolutely cannot sign that contract. I know she wants to do Eurovision, but that is insane.


Active member
February 18, 2012
Re: UKRAINE 2019 - Maruv - Siren Song

She absolutely cannot sign that contract. I know she wants to do Eurovision, but that is insane.

I know! Those are the exact same regulations Soviet Union used and North Korea uses on their sportsmen/artists going abroad for an international event.
EBU cannot let this slide!


February 9, 2012
Re: UKRAINE 2019 - Maruv - Siren Song

I feel sorry for Maruv. This is disgustingly awful. I doubt any other artist this year will be subjected to anything close to this. What exactly is she supposed to do? Sell her soul to live her dreams or give up her hard earned, very well deserved win and cancel her dreams? She even has to pay for the trip herself.... what? Is that actually for real?


Active member
February 18, 2012
Re: UKRAINE 2019 - Maruv - Siren Song

I feel sorry for Maruv. This is disgustingly awful. I doubt any other artist this year will be subjected to anything close to this. What exactly is she supposed to do? Sell her soul to live her dreams or give up her hard earned, very well deserved win and cancel her dreams? She even has to pay for the trip herself.... what? Is that actually for real?

Unfortunately it is a harsh reality.
It could be even worse, imagine she accepts, signs everything and WINS Eurovision...they'll probably make her fully cover all Eurovision 2020 costs :lol:
But i think they're trying to fuck with the wrong bitch here, she will not be silent, she will fight, she'll screw them over and i hope EBU helps.


December 12, 2011
Milky Way
Re: UKRAINE 2019 - Maruv - Siren Song

Gosh.. I understand that ukraine and russia have a beef, but this is eurovision. xfacepalm


Well-known member
February 24, 2014
Re: UKRAINE 2019 - Maruv - Siren Song

I just woke up, looked if the title stayed the same which luckily is the case, but my fright grew bigger reading all these comments. MARUV, and this comes from a die hard fan now, you dont have to do this shit. It will be a loss, but you guys, this is absolutely ridiculous, that these things even exist in this world anymore. Its crazy.

I am devastated. We will lose one of the biggest hits Eurovision has ever seen in its existence.


Well-known member
December 7, 2013
San Fierro
Re: UKRAINE 2019 - Maruv - Siren Song

Our country has a tendency of destroying and humiliating talanted people. That's why they look for opportunities abroad, from artists to IT-specialists. The fact we still have so much talent inside means how strong our people against society and corrupted government machine.

Ask any talented, creative person here did he faced humiliation? Hell yes, one hundred of them would say so. Even I have faced big portion of this in school years when I was one of the best students and had success at literature, maths, chemistry etc, also played violin. Now I'm ordinary and completely different but those traumas from the past still influenced my personality...


Staff member
September 28, 2009
Re: UKRAINE 2019 - Maruv - Siren Song

So she's confirmed her participation which is good news, but that contract is ridiculous. Poor lady, hope the EBU step in to support her as she shouldn't have to go through with that contract.


March 16, 2013
Re: UKRAINE 2019 - Maruv - Siren Song

if they allowed maruv to participate not expecting her to be so good then she could have, you know, not won vidbir. jamala and yevhen ranked her 3rd and 2nd respectively, even after jamala's entire thing. both of them could have put maruv under kazka, which would give the win to freedom jazz. they wanted her to win. this controversy is absolute nonsense.

But maybe they didn't expect it to be so popular amongst the rest of Europe and Australia?


Well-known member
May 17, 2015
Re: UKRAINE 2019 - Maruv - Siren Song

So basically, they let her (and other singers) to participate and only afterward they inform them they shouldn't sing in Russia or do anything with Russia? Next year they should make a list of requirements:
- all these standard rules
- only singers who don't perform in Russia are allowed.

That will make only one show with 3 singers and Jamala will be happy all the time. The fact she had to justify her comments toward Maruv on social media tells me she realized she went too far.

Don't get me wrong, I love Ukraine (visited last year and had a lovely time), but this is just shizophrenic. Bunch of Ukrainian singers perform in Russia, if they continue this way they will have their national selection left with second class singers from talent shows. This is turning into another Armenia-Azerbaijan case.


Well-known member
February 24, 2014
Re: UKRAINE 2019 - Maruv - Siren Song

So yeah, she did say she is going to be in Tel Aviv as the representative, but can they still interfere? I am scared. I dont want to lose this song.


Well-known member
April 19, 2015
Re: UKRAINE 2019 - Maruv - Siren Song

She confirmed :D
Poor girl, she doesn’t deserve this... I’ll vote for her like crazy in May
I’ll upgrade from 10 to 12 points


Active member
January 22, 2019
Re: UKRAINE 2019 - Maruv - Siren Song

That means nothing since she is connected with Russia and has shows planned there. Thats the main problem!

according to basic logic 101, performing in Russia does NOT mean you area kremlinist. However, it’s impossible to be both pro-lgbt and pro-Russia’s government.


January 21, 2019
Tumblr, mostly.
Re: UKRAINE 2019 - Maruv - Siren Song

I will not point out how draconian that contract it, that has already been done extensively by everyone in this thread. However, isn't this the same contract the other Ukrainian entrants had to sign, because I suspect that it is. I remember for instance that Svetlana Loboda had to sell her flat to finance her Moscow2009 entry, which she had to do herself. Forcing MARUV to cancel her other gigs sucks because she's an established singer, but again, she KNEW this upon applying to Vidbir AND she agreed to go to Teller Aweave anyway, so.

If it is indeed the same contract, MARUV will have some agency in the decisions, if heavily restricted. The lack of improv isn't necessarily bad. UA:pBC wants to do well, and want to know in advance what they can expect from MARUV. If she wants give Miki a lapdance or blast Sergey Lazarev with a smoke cannon during her performance, don't you think the broadcaster should know in advance? Nobody at Eurovision improvises their performance (with the exception Old Chinpubes, but was the entire point of his performance) because if you do, you probably lack a plan and are destined to fail. That MARUV isn't allowed to do anything she wants is inherently a good thing for her chances. It means her act will be created in concencus with and with the collaboration of the delegation, people who have knowledge AND experience in winning Eurovision. For those who wonder what happens if full agency is passed to the entrant without interference from the delegation, I refer you to Time, A Matter of.

The fines are awful though. Ukraine are such cheapskates for inflicting those upon their own entrants. No wonder ONUKA hasn't done Vidbir yet.


Well-known member
May 17, 2015
Re: UKRAINE 2019 - Maruv - Siren Song

Jesus, people will wet their pants in Tel Aviv. :D
All this drama will actually help her to get support from fans I think.

Speaking of her semi final and final performance, final performance was way more "provocative" if we can say that compared to semi final. Personally, I don't care, I want her to do whatever she wants on that stage, I wish she even went further. Eurovision tends to be, in a very strange way, quite conservative despite there have been many "strange" perfromances in recent ESC history. I guess when women play with sex a bit on stage, then people raise their eyebrows. That is not ok and it is in its depth very hypocritical. Not playing with sex, but how people comment that, that's what I am trying to say.


February 9, 2012
Re: UKRAINE 2019 - Maruv - Siren Song

She's strong but I hope she realizes what she's doing and has thought it all through very clear. This whole thing must have been a whirlwind for her, so I have my doubts. Representing your country at Eurovision is a tremendous opportunity, and with only just hearing half of the songs, it's pretty easy to make the assumption that a top 10 placement (perhaps even better) is booked already for Maruv with Siren Song. Is it worth selling her soul like this though? I'm disappointed reading all this stuff. It's a shame. She seems a very strong, independent woman but she's basically signed a contract that makes her a slave, and potentially a puppet even. It's so sad and feels just wrong. I hope the love she'll receive at the contest will make everything worth it.

Upgrading my 6 to 7 as well. Not because of what's happened but because Siren Song has been growing on me since the NF. Bang:cool:


Well-known member
February 24, 2014
Re: UKRAINE 2019 - Maruv - Siren Song

Girl, the doors in Germany are open for you. You'd have a big career here. :lol: Just come here, we dont have real pop divas in our country anymore. Wanna know your secret? BÄÄÄNG!


March 11, 2013
Re: UKRAINE 2019 - Maruv - Siren Song

This is insane.. :?
Bye Ukraine..
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