Well-known member
Ahhh those spoilers are tempting but no, I want to keep the surprise and cry rivers tomorrow night ... in front of my friends ...
Me too..... Good lucky
Ahhh those spoilers are tempting but no, I want to keep the surprise and cry rivers tomorrow night ... in front of my friends ...
No matter how many times I've seen it, the last minute still gives me chills and I just cry every time. So increeeedibly powerful and impactful and emotional. Unbelieveable. This entry is just so mindblowing and so extraordinary and special. I don't have any words. It can't be forgotten, it shouldn't be.... There's nothing else like this, and there won't be. It's why I hope it wins. I don't know what my reaction will be tomorrow, but I just can't waaaaiiiit to see it... I will be voting my ass off for this in the finale. Because I'm sure this will become my favourite Eurovision entry ever. It's so much more than just a song. Just authentic artistry.
So... which city do you think NTU will pick to host Eurovision 2017? Kiev would be nice but I want to see Eurovision in Lviv
So... which city do you think NTU will pick to host Eurovision 2017? Kiev would be nice but I want to see Eurovision in Lviv
Last year the juries ranked Latvia 2nd. I will be surprised if they don't put this in 1st place. If they don't, I think it will only be to avoid the political drama.
Imo the chances are higher that the juries will treat it Italy 2015 style rather than Latvia 2015^^ but who knows
Imo the chances are higher that the juries will treat it Italy 2015 style rather than Latvia 2015^^ but who knows