Albania Superstar
Anything containing political barbs against another country or group of people
So no "A Million Voices," which presented the message of "aren't we just the most innocent people? How could those Ukrainians say such awful things about us like how we want war with them?"
You said they were equal with this anti-Russian song. Who did Russia target in that song? No one. They weren't bringing up past politics either, instead talking about hopes for the future.
He didn't, actually, but I'm happy to. Just because "A Million Voices" was couched in images of purity and kindness doesn't mean it's less of a belligerent song that framed a current conflict as being entirely the fault of the party not presenting themselves as doe-eyed innocents who love peace. Yes, "1944" has a similar message. But it's far more honest with how it approaches that message, bringing the subtext of "A Million Voices" into the text. I suppose I understand why that's a problem for a lot of people, but it doesn't mean that one song is political and the other isn't. And if "talking about hopes for the future" disqualifies it from being political, then let's talk about how the second verse of "1944" goes "we could build a future where people are free to live and love."
EDIT: if this post is too political, I'm happy to move this discussion to the politics sub-forum and/or delete the post.