I don't really understand how people can change their mind after a performance. This song has always been brilliant, no matter how it is staged on screen. I always believed in them. Immediately after I listened to it, I felt in love with this magnificent and wise tune. You only need to have sensitivity for music. And, I don't either understand why some people say this is a simple song. Have you heard the rest of them and compared the lyrics? I guess not, 'cause there is no possible comparison, this is high level and If I were Dutch I'd be so proud... No, I'm not Dutch (I wish my country was represented by high quality like this one day), but I feel really proud of having such good music in the contest. To me, this is first class and it would be extremely positive for music if a song like this won (but I'm realistic, average people don't care about good sounds and arragements, they just pay attention to catchy rhythms or typical power ballads). Anyway, as regards the brilliant performance wisely thought, what else can I say? Just the best of luck for my favourite song and hopefully good taste for music of Ilse/Wylon will be awarded by ending up high top. Well done, The Netherlands. Thanks for giving us the best music performance ever so far.