My prediction for LA GRANDE FINALE ESC 2011:
Estonia: winner
I believe this song has so much clout in Europe that
it won't fail, even if not sung perfectly
2. Bosnia: runner-up: the whole Balkan & former-Yugoslavian fugees all over Europe will be voting for this one en grande masse and multiple, multiple times (whether they actually like the song or not, comme toujours
3. Azerbaijan (Nikki's vocals will prove too shaky after Austria's performance, not enough to take the title, maybe some herbal tranquilizer will do her good??)
4. France (mostly older, 35+ y.o. will vote for this one, I think it will not attract enough younger votes)
5. Hungary: disco-diva without the dance, just the singing is soooo difficult
6. United Kingdom (4 chemically pumped up male Barbies, plenty of takers everywhere)
7. Germany (too much antipathy for 'another year of Lena')
8. Denmark (a nice song for 18 and 19 y.o. who find out they want to 'change the world', repeat the chorus just a thousand more times and they'll believe they actually can)
9. Sweden (wrap crap in a nice package and you'll always find plenty of voters who were probably just born a few month/weeks/days ago :twisted
10. Austria: congrats Austria, your first top ten since ....ages.
(and 11. Slovenia)
My personal favorites are/were:
1. The Netherlands: OUT :shock:
2. Bulgaria: OUT :shock:
3. Latvia: OUT
4. Austria
5. Azerbaijan
6. Slovenia
7. Estonia
I tend to like well-written, melodic songs with rich accords and REAL instruments. I don't care much for the light show around it
I wouldn't mind AT ALL if Austria (a REAL song with excellent vocals) (or Slovenia) took the crown tonight......But it would be totally hilarious if Ireland or (even worse) Greece won. Let's see how they're going to pay for it next year :twisted: