So if a western country wins because of diaspora everyone complains that using only televote is unfair and that they should include juries. If a country wins mainly helped by the juries (and is not the same as the televote one) everyone complains that using juries is rigged. Am i missing something? Either way most eurofans will find excuses and a way to justify their favourite not winning... That's not how it is. There are rules and countries accept that rules... even we accepted them when they helped our favourites won in the past. So now that this year is closed, we should just accept and move on. Or should we just choose a different voting method every year after every song is out so we can decide if we need the jury to stop diaspora and neighboring or if we are able to crown a winner without their help? Cause that's how it's sounding right now...
You are only saying that because you liked Italy and the jury put them in 6th... first, that's not that low. Every country placed ahead was a favourite before the live shows so i don't see the weirdness here. Second, every country had it's juries. Are you saying that in EVERY country, Sweden were paying the juries to vote for them? That's just not logical for me. Sorry... And sweden was top3 amongst televote, so people liked them as well. It's not like they were 6th or lower and the juries pushed them to the front. From the beggining those 3 countries were head to head... any of the 3 would be a good and deserving winner.
The thing is that people at home (and the fans) liked Italy better because they were the best country in the final (for your taste). I can agree with you on that... i loved them. But we don't have specific criteria to judge every act... we just vote for the ones we like better, even if the vocals are awful or if the song is trash and we just love the dancy feeling of it. Juries don't... they have topics to evaluate. And Sweden just had more value (besides vocals) than Italy for juries... of course that's a matter of opinion, but that's how all this works. Opinions... that we should accept.
No one was robbed, because no rules were violated. Most people here are just not accepting that Sweden won instead if Italy
Again, top3 was flawless this year... any of those 3 would be a fair winner. Just stop this fight over who should have won. Sweden deserved it, as Russia or Italy if they had won.