I find this probably one of the weaker of the few "bops" we have this year so I don't agree that this would be the strongest uptempo we have this year. If I compare to Cyprus and Malta, that are kinda in the same genre, then I much prefer them... they are all manufactured Pop but this one feels over-manufactured tbh and even more banal. I like bops so that's not the problem but it's too Boyband meets Camila Cabello meets Despacito for me... if I'd add the more quirky and "Eurovision-esque" uptempos from this year such as Australia and Norway, then I'd far prefer them as they bring some sort of good-feel and smile to my face, and also some identity, wheres the other ones again feel too manufactured... I don't mind if someone wants to aim for a hit-potential Pop song, but then make sure it doesn't sound some years old because it becomes painfully obvious when it jumps on some bandwagon and the train already left the station...