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SWEDEN 2012 - Loreen - Euphoria

How do you rate the entry?

  • 12

    456 54.9%
  • 10

    71 8.5%
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    55 6.6%
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    37 4.5%
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    26 3.1%
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    25 3.0%
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  • 3

    18 2.2%
  • 2

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  • 1

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  • 0

    93 11.2%

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Active member
March 15, 2011
Bydgoszcz, Poland
I didn't notice big differences from MF performance, for me she was splendid tonight. Maybe I didn't study it in big details but it was most likely the same (great). I was worried a little because of the rehearsals but as she said she couldn't get into such level of focus and emotion and she was right. Nothing more to add here, for 100% deserved qualification. Maybe not my type of song, but the performance makes me forget of my music taste and just get into that climate Loreen creates.

Congrats Sweden!


December 28, 2009
One thing ive noticed and ive just watched them all back as well to make sure is that Sweden, Turkey, Albania and Russia all got the biggest, most impressive crowd reactions. The crowd started clapping during the first verse of Euphoria. Turkey got huge crowd cheers. Rona got a massive round of applause after the first set of "Qaj's" had finished and as for the grannies.. well the crowd went insane:lol: I think one of these four will take it.

Turkey benefits from being in Azerbaijan though, there's alot of Turks there and also the Azeris cheer for their "brothers" ... I mean that adds to the public reaction...

but I noticed what you said aswell... if it were just the public or televoters decision.. Russia would win this


February 9, 2012
I didn't notice big differences from MF performance, for me she was splendid tonight. Maybe I didn't study it in big details but it was most likely the same (great). I was worried a little because of the rehearsals but as she said she couldn't get into such level of focus and emotion and she was right. Nothing more to add here, for 100% deserved qualification. Maybe not my type of song, but the performance makes me forget of my music taste and just get into that climate Loreen creates.

Congrats Sweden!

I feel the same way as you as well. It's really not my kind of song (infact I usually hate this kind of music) but I can't help but appreciate Loreen when she performs it as shes just soo DARN good!


October 21, 2011
It sounded like she mumbled alot, hard to hear the words at times, but still, it was a very nice performance. I don't really care if she win or not, if she doesn't, most swedes will probably blame the diaspora, if she does,,, hell, it's the first time in ages sweden actually produces a song actually worth a victory, then so be it.


February 9, 2012
Turkey benefits from being in Azerbaijan though, there's alot of Turks there and also the Azeris cheer for their "brothers" ... I mean that adds to the public reaction...

but I noticed what you said aswell... if it were just the public or televoters decision.. Russia would win this

Yeah thats true actually about Turkey. It still might help get it some votes though. When a crowds reaction is soo big it makes the song feel electric to the viewer. I got shivers when the crowd clapped for Rona and similar feelings for Loreen. I think Russia and Sweden will fight for the top place with public vote with Albania taking top with the jury vote. I just have this feeling. I was right last year with Italy winning the jury vote so maybe again;) *crosses fingers*


December 28, 2009
It sounded like she mumbled alot, hard to hear the words at times, but still, it was a very nice performance. I don't really care if she win or not, if she doesn't, most swedes will probably blame the diaspora, if she does,,, hell, it's the first time in ages sweden actually produces a song actually worth a victory, then so be it.

She does mumbles during the verses, and it annoys me .. she did it all the time.

I'm starting to believe that's really the structure of the song? Her way of trying to stay melodic or something.

On the other hand, most viewers doesn't really speak fluently English or has it has first language, so it's not as if the majority pay too much attention to that... but she has to try and mumble less though.

During the chorus it's ok, but it's during the verses it's sort of annoying.


August 10, 2010
I'm ashamed to ask this, but why are :tr: and :az: actually "brothers"? :oops:


December 28, 2009
Yeah thats true actually about Turkey. It still might help get it some votes though. When a crowds reaction is soo big it makes the song feel electric to the viewer. I got shivers when the crowd clapped for Rona and similar feelings for Loreen. I think Russia and Sweden will fight for the top place with public vote with Albania taking top with the jury vote. I just have this feeling. I was right last year with Italy winning the jury vote so maybe again;) *crosses fingers*

Yeah, it's very true that public support adds that extra flavor to it.

I don't think Albania will actually win the jury votes, the juries are far more political in their voting than so...

As for televoting we'll see.. I totally see Russia winning it but I dunno about the rest.


December 28, 2009
I'm ashamed to ask this, but why are :tr: and :az: actually "brothers"? :oops:

Turkic people, similar language and culture... I am not 100% sure but maybe Azerbaijan (or part of it) was also part of the Ottoman Empire?? I could be wrong though, you should ask a Turk or Azeri this.

I guess they are to each other what Denmark/Norway and Sweden are to eachother? On the other hand Azerbaijan had Russian influence, which sets them apart from Turkey a bit still.... could be interesting to see what will happen with the Turkey-Azeri ESC friendship if Kazakhstan would join?

This is totally off-topic though :lol:


Active member
March 15, 2011
Bydgoszcz, Poland
Look at the flags you posted for starters. ;):D They have common things like in culture I think, fromn history but I should leave detailed and real explaining to members from Turkey and Azerbaijan ;D


Active member
February 5, 2012
OK, i'm gonna be really cocky here and try to predict all the countries that will give Sweden 12 points xrofl3 (yes kinda pathetic i know)...

United Kingdom

I dare not guess/wish for any more countries. Maybe i've just completely lost my mind :lol:


Active member
October 7, 2009
Samsun, Turkey
I'm ashamed to ask this, but why are :tr: and :az: actually "brothers"? :oops:

Turkic people, similar language and culture... I am not 100% sure but maybe Azerbaijan (or part of it) was also part of the Ottoman Empire?? I could be wrong though, you should ask a Turk or Azeri this.

I guess they are to each other what Denmark/Norway and Sweden are to eachother? On the other hand Azerbaijan had Russian influence, which sets them apart from Turkey a bit still.... could be interesting to see what will happen with the Turkey-Azeri ESC friendship if Kazakhstan would join?

This is totally off-topic though :lol:

Look at the flags you posted for starters. ;):D They have common things like in culture I think, fromn history but I should leave detailed and real explaining to members from Turkey and Azerbaijan ;D

You are mostly right. First, the Azerbaijani and the Turkish languages are VERY similar. Azerbaijani sounds exactly like some dialects of Turkish in eastern Turkey, with the loanwords from Arabic and French replaced with Russian words (this happened during the Soviet era; Azerbaijani actually didn't have any French loanwords to begin with, and the Arabic loanwords were replaced with Russian ones by the Soviet government to break the connection with the other Muslim nations). Turkish and Azerbaijani are about as mutually intelligible as Danish and Norwegian, and any Turkish person can have a proper conversation with an Azerbaijani without much trouble. And vice versa.

I'm not that good about history, but all Turkic peoples lived together before the Turkic migration, and Turkish, Azerbaijani and Turkmen people consisted the Oghuz tribe that migrated southwest. We lived together under Seljuk Empire, and afaik there was a period of time Azerbaijan was a part of Ottoman Empire as well. In fact, the only difference between Turkish and Azerbaijani people was the branch of Islam they belonged, and neither had a concept of "nation" in the current sense before the late 19th century.

About Kazakhstan, they descended from a completely different Turkic tribe and speak a language unintelligible to Azerbaijani and Turkish. Also, they are heavily Russified so we have very little common culture. So I don't see many Turks voting for them just because they are Turkic people.

Sorry for the off-topic wall of text, but I had to respond.


May 2, 2012
A, A
Who does? As far as Im aware the United Kingdom and Denmark are both richer than Sweden, both have larger music industries :').’s-soft-rock-power/

Granted, this was published in 2010, but still. I'm not trying to pick a fight with you and if you find me arrogant then I apologise as this is not my intention at all - I'm simply saying that according to studies made by two economists at the University of Pennsylvania, Sweden produces more hits per GDP than any other country in the world. Just thought I'd point that out; our music industry seems big and rich enough to me :)

About our performance last night: I personally thought it was absolutely flawless and I only found her to be off-key a second here and there, which is kind of expected considering that she moves around a lot on stage. I didn't think she was mumbling at all and the lighting, her clothes, the camera angles, were perfect. But then on the other hand I'm extremely biased and I was jumping up and down in my couch and clapping before the number even was over!

Later though, I read loads of comments on Facebook and Twitter that said it wasn't as good as it was in the NF - even my sister who was just as happy after Loreen's performance as I was had to admit this wasn't her best performance. This makes me kind of nervous; I mean those 3 minutes introduced Loreen to Europe - after this everybody watching last night know who she is, not just us Eurovision fangirls/boys. So I'm not really sure what to think right now: I've never dared to say that YES WE WILL WIN THIS YEAR, but now I'm truly fearing that maybe we won't :( But this is mostly because of everybody else's reactions, so I might change my mind again come saturday...!


Active member
May 15, 2012
Ivannia. I think the Swedish ppl need to shut and stop complaining. The biggest change since the swedish finals is the lack of recorded backing vocals which frankly lifts the choruses to a point where she almost doesn't have to sing or at least sing less, saving her voice. That's a BIG difference. Moreover, the production is not possible to carbon copy. New stage, new production team etc. Hell, they should be glad that it REALLY, REALLY stood out as much as it did. **** the Swedes, she's not singing for them she's singing for Europe now and hopefully they liked what they saw.

Besides that, Loreen was super nervous which could only be explained by all the stupid hyping from all the press in Baku especially the Swedish press. The Sveriges Radio interview that was posted last night made ME fell pressured and I felt really bad. They were just pouring everything on her with the low odds, her being the fan favorite (yes, in like 2 1/2 nordic countries including Sweden) blabla. I mean no-one can handle that kind of pressure and that's the biggest failure of Mr Björkman. I mean who the hell told her to go to the Swedish embassy like 1 day before or parties or whatever. She needed to practice her song and more importantly her breathing.

I still love Loreen but she won't win this year. Her singing wasn't that particularly good but her show was flawless!

EDIT: Looking back here in the thread I notice the constant bashing that's going on EVERYWHERE in Sweden. The comment fields in swedish tabloid Aftonbladet just oozes criticism, same as Loreen's Facebook page as well as Sweden's biggest internet forum Flashback. I just cannot understand how ppl who follow her like the user "A-lister" or whatever your name is can be shocked about how it looked. It's the same fucking show as the rehearsals and even more, the show AND song AND dress is god damn awesome compared to what we saw on wednesday and saturday. How can anyone be shocked by anything here on this page? It looks the same but for me personally I would trade all the takes in the swedish NF for that long shot where she's alone in the snow that they used yesterday. And that idea comes from Loreen herself since she's been working as an tv editor. Her ideas, no one else's. How can you not appreciate art? Blabla "camera angles form swedish NF". I really hope all complaining Swedes or swedish Melodifestivalen fans were satisfied with Saade, Bergendahl and The Ark because that's what you'll get from swedish entries in the next 30 years before, hopefully, someone as talented as Loreen will show up again.


May 20, 2012
Remember DIma with his first Song or winning Believe.. He mumbled too with bad english... I think, that Loreen profit by this mystic character of Euphoria..

People looking on her performance, this dark lighteffects and her dance.

The most will only hear "were going up up up up" and then they celebrate this clubbing sound.

The jurys are "euphoria" about her performance.

It could be enough to win, but IMO it could be a fight between her and Serbia.. maybe a third will come closer - the grandmas? evergreen greece ?

Mrs Filipovski

Active member
October 1, 2009
Ivannia. I think the Swedish ppl need to shut and stop complaining. The biggest change since the swedish finals is the lack of recorded backing vocals which frankly lifts the choruses to a point where she almost doesn't have to sing or at least sing less, saving her voice. That's a BIG difference. Moreover, the production is not possible to carbon copy. New stage, new production team etc. Hell, they should be glad that it REALLY, REALLY stood out as much as it did. **** the Swedes, she's not singing for them she's singing for Europe now and hopefully they liked what they saw.

Besides that, Loreen was super nervous which could only be explained by all the stupid hyping from all the press in Baku especially the Swedish press. The Sveriges Radio interview that was posted last night made ME fell pressured and I felt really bad. They were just pouring everything on her with the low odds, her being the fan favorite (yes, in like 2 1/2 nordic countries including Sweden) blabla. I mean no-one can handle that kind of pressure and that's the biggest failure of Mr Björkman. I mean who the hell told her to go to the Swedish embassy like 1 day before or parties or whatever. She needed to practice her song and more importantly her breathing.

I still love Loreen but she won't win this year. Her singing wasn't that particularly good but her show was flawless!

EDIT: Looking back here in the thread I notice the constant bashing that's going on EVERYWHERE in Sweden. The comment fields in swedish tabloid Aftonbladet just oozes criticism, same as Loreen's Facebook page as well as Sweden's biggest internet forum Flashback. I just cannot understand how ppl who follow her like the user "A-lister" or whatever your name is can be shocked about how it looked. It's the same fucking show as the rehearsals and even more, the show AND song AND dress is god damn awesome compared to what we saw on wednesday and saturday. How can anyone be shocked by anything here on this page? It looks the same but for me personally I would trade all the takes in the swedish NF for that long shot where she's alone in the snow that they used yesterday. And that idea comes from Loreen herself since she's been working as an tv editor. Her ideas, no one else's. How can you not appreciate art? Blabla "camera angles form swedish NF". I really hope all complaining Swedes or swedish Melodifestivalen fans were satisfied with Saade, Bergendahl and The Ark because that's what you'll get from swedish entries in the next 30 years before, hopefully, someone as talented as Loreen will show up again.

I agree. I've not been Loreen nor the song's biggest fan but it's so typically Swedish to bash our entries. Last year everybody were against Eric and when he got 3rd there was a mixed reaction of "Oh I knew he'd do well all along well done!!1!" and "So he didn't win - FAIL". If we can't even support our own entries then how can Europe support them? Get a grip, swedes.


Active member
May 15, 2012
Really funny though that fans of other songs are complaining in youtube channel about how great camera work looked last night for Loreen and why the rest of the acts don't have that. Besides someone even suggested she was miming :D


Active member
November 30, 2009
this is so gonna win :)
Romanian curse is happening again:

Romania had the draw 22th in 2009-one year later Germany won from 22th
Romania had 19th in 2010-one year lated Azerbaijan wins from 19th
Romania had last year 17th-now guess who will win :lol:

now seriously-it's a posibility of 0,1% this won't win.Last night did stood out and our commentator praised it.It was top trend topic on twitter and people loved it,though the camerawork was awful,but the stage looked awesome.
I also complain about her mumbling and the fact that I can't see her's weird imo...
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