Loreen's entry is very current sounding, it has a sort of similar feeling to me as Guetta/Sia's 'Titanium', probably one of the most up-to-date entries we sent and in this year's ESC aswell. It's one of few entries this year with an actual after-life and hit-potential.
It's also a perfect blend of current club-pop but still with a touch of artistry, originality and depth. This genre is quite often shallow, but Loreen brings something unique to this.
There's nothing kitschy with this at all. If you want kitsch you can surely point out better examples. However, I do agree that the performance of this song @ Humorgalan was pretty sh*t, and seriously she needs to drop the potato-bag clothing for ESC and wear something more classy. Other than that, I think we deserve to win this year, and I am NOT the biased type trust me, I haven't rooted for a Swedish entry in YEARS.