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Svobodnia ❖ we'll exist until time separates us ❖ Congrats 20 ???


Staff member
September 28, 2009
It'd be a real shame for you to go as I enjoyed a great deal of your entries and you often seemed to enjoy mine! You'd be a big miss to the contest but you have to do what is right for yourself in the end I guess. Best of luck with everything going forward if you do decide to leave :(


Well-known member
October 11, 2009
I am trying to find a job as a programmer rn
come to Austria, every single IT and non-IT company here is struggling real hard to find employees.

just don't copy the coding style from the NSC 192 semi results

good luck with your journey! hope you'll reconsider and stay with us after all. :)


February 7, 2010
Scotland & Moisantia
Still trying to digest your post. I completely understand everything you said but...

It would be so so painful lose ::svo from both NSC and WLSC - the amazing entries that you have sent, often snatching very high points from our televoters, are a tremendous legacy to leave here regardless of the decision you make, but there's still a little part of me that is hopeful that you might be able to find just an ounce more inspiration to continue slaying here with us xlove

But if you do decide that it's your time to leave, the whole of ::moi DEMANDS that Marnik & Lunax is your Congrats 20 choice or...



Well-known member
October 3, 2009
Trondheim, Norway / Niavara, Balearica Island
Saw the headline, thought this was just a play on an entry, and was disappointed to see that this wasn't clickbait. :( I hope you stay, Svobodnia is one of my favorite nations here, and it'd be very sad to see you leave.

I understand that it gets time consuming tho. Especially NSC. But I want to throw in a suggestion, to stay in the WLSC, where you can enter whenever you feel like it. No pressure to be in every single edition, and no need to struggle to find an entry. If you have one, and have time, then you're in, if not, we'll see you later. I'll obviously leave this decision up to you, but I hope you stay. xrose


WorldVision Mod 🌻
Staff member
October 16, 2011
Oh no :( It would be such a shame to lose ::svo & you from our community, but I understand you completely. Time makes a fool of us all and contests really do need a lot of free time and attention to them. As Morty said, you can always join us in WLSC if you find a bomb song you want to share with other people, we'll always be there for you xrose

Best of luck in life no matter what you decide xrunhug


Well-known member
August 5, 2018
Hey guys! I'm so sorry for keeping the silence, I wanted to reply for quite a time, but had all the stuff with job interviews, applying, first days...

But first of all, thank you all very much for such supporting and understanding words, for best wishes and *omg I'm gonna literally cry* hopes that I stay, that means so so much for me, I appreciate that sooooo much! xlove

I just want to remind that I tried my best to be objective and rational. I really thought I need some changes and I tried to look at the situation from different angles and give all the possible arguments. I didn't have any intentions to just draw some attention and use it as a reason to stay, so I'm really sorry if it looked like that! 😔 And also I didn't want to leave the community, I was thinking about staying somehow or another 😉

And now, like I mentioned in the beginning... Yaaaaaay now I have a job 😁 But now I feel like I have even less time and energy 😅 So, what decisions I came to regarding them contests:

• I will stop following WLSC for some time. Maybe I will join some editions when I feel like I have time, desire and song I really want to send. But for now, I need to see, how I feel and manage everything without following WLSC.

• I will remain in NSC main roster and will continue participating for at least one more edition. Again, I need to see, how I feel and manage everything if I remain.

• In case I wouldn't manage participating even in NSC only, I guess, I will have to withdraw from main roster. Maybe I'll consider coming back to participate in every WLSC edition, maybe I'll rejoin waiting list, but these are the topics of the future considerations.

I hope, everything is alright with such decisions. Sorry if my English broke down somewhere in the post, now I have less time to double-check everything 🤣

And I just want to say that I don't want to leave the community, I'll try to remain the part of it somehow or another! You really are the community I'm proud to be a part of! xlove xhug


February 7, 2010
Scotland & Moisantia
So so glad to still have you for at least one more NSC edition, and massive congrats on the new job - that's a definite cause for celebration 🎉 xclap xlove

Whatever you decide, you will always be welcome in this community xrose xhug
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