Hey guys! I'm so sorry for keeping the silence, I wanted to reply for quite a time, but had all the stuff with job interviews, applying, first days...
But first of all, thank you all very much for such supporting and understanding words, for best wishes and *omg I'm gonna literally cry* hopes that I stay, that means so so much for me, I appreciate that sooooo much!
I just want to remind that I tried my best to be objective and rational. I really thought I need some changes and I tried to look at the situation from different angles and give all the possible arguments. I didn't have any intentions to just draw some attention and use it as a reason to stay, so I'm really sorry if it looked like that!

And also I didn't want to leave the community, I was thinking about staying somehow or another
And now, like I mentioned in the beginning... Yaaaaaay now I have a job

But now I feel like I have even less time and energy

So, what decisions I came to regarding them contests:
• I will
stop following WLSC for some time. Maybe I will join some editions when I feel like I have time, desire and song I really want to send. But for now, I need to see, how I feel and manage everything without following WLSC.
• I
will remain in NSC main roster and will continue participating for
at least one more edition. Again, I need to see, how I feel and manage everything if I remain.
• In case I wouldn't manage participating even in NSC only, I guess, I will have to
withdraw from main roster. Maybe I'll consider coming back to participate in every WLSC edition, maybe I'll rejoin waiting list, but these are the topics of the future considerations.
I hope, everything is alright with such decisions. Sorry if my English broke down somewhere in the post, now I have less time to double-check everything
And I just want to say that I don't want to leave the community, I'll try to remain the part of it somehow or another! You really are the community I'm proud to be a part of!