There is one important thing I need to talk about.
I am thinking of leaving WLSC and NSC
Yes, I could've just taken a decision already and not write too much. But this really is a hard decision for me. This thought haunts me for a really long time. I even made an announcement in my Instagram stories about 4 months ago (29th September 2021) that I am taking this decision. But still, nothing has changed from that time

And in fact the thought lives with me even longer, at least twice that time, I believe.
Also, I didn't have structured thoughts about that before, it was more about negative feelings after some situations related to the contests. But now I think I realised what is going on and I'm ready to tell you properly. I want to take a rational decision, not based on momentary emotion. And also I want to be really honest and open with y'all and not just leave all of a sudden and disappear
Seems like one of the common reasons of leaving contests. And there are lots of times when I felt like leaving after some results too! BUT this reason seems emotion-based to me. You may feel like withdrawing after ending up lower than you expected, or after DNQ for a very long time. But then you can suddenly do much better than you expected - and then you feel joy and desire to participate even forever!
Not to mention my personal results, in general they are far from worst! I believe, there is a lot to be proud of!
So, after thinking for a while, I decided that results
cannot be the reason to leave for me personally, as they are simply emotion-based, and they can bring not only negative, but positive feelings as well! Even if I DNQ, I always feel soooo good when I see who gave me points in semi
I am writing this before WLSC and NSC results, so I am not influenced by emotions.
This is a more serious reason for me. I even considered it more than a year ago here. And it hasn't really changed from then.
I have about 6.5 years experience of participating in various song contests. But for some reason, in all this time I didn't found any source or way of finding new songs that would be natural for me. It always takes much time and effort for me if I am searching on purpose. Almost all the songs I have participated with were found by me randomly (Youtube recommendations, heard on radio), or someone helped me

First way may not really seem bad, but usually it's not really effective. Radio and Youtube oftenly offers very popular songs which are either already participated or wouldn't probably be ranked very high.
Still, there are some periods when I manage to find a bunch of really good songs and in such cases I wish to participate with all of them as soon as possible. And even if there are no songs I really would like to send, I still have a pretty big playlist where I can suddenly find something old and forgotten, so I can live with that! Songs are
not the real reason for me to leave too.
Now, this is
the most important and up-to-date reason. As well as it's not emotion-based, so it's the real objective reason, that bothers me.
Maybe 2-3 hours a month doesn't seem too much. But when there's WLSC + NSC with 3 shows + 3 other contests I participate in + spin-offs + marathons and polls (e.g. NFs of current seasons, previous ESCs etc) = now that's too much for me
Maybe it's about the way I'm listening. Honestly, I can't listen to songs and do other stuff simultaneously

If I try so, I either mess up with other stuff or forget the song
It wasn't a really big problem when I studied in school. It wasn't always a problem when I studied in uni (only sometimes). But now it's a real problem! And I'm not even working yet

And that's a problem as well! I know there are a lot of people who work as freelancers nowadays. They monetize their interests, experience, skills. But I really have no single idea how I can be the one. Eurovision is one of my biggest interests, but seems there are not so many ways to monetize it

So, the only way I see for myself at the moment is to work as employee. I am trying to find a job as a programmer rn, but my skills and knowledge... leave much to be desired. So, I'm trying to read a book, watch videos, but they take looooots of time and effort too! And... When I realise I'm spending 2-3 hours listening to songs and unable to do anything else... I feel like something is going wrong with my life

Maybe I could've been more organized and managing to do this and that, but... I'm not the one

I feel like withdrawing from the contests will not only free the time of listening, but also the time of searching songs, watching results, will get rid of the worries about deadlines, and will not let me procrastinate while listening to songs, rather than preparing for job interviews.
With life going like that, I don't see having a lot of time for participating in the future as well, because I want to develop in many areas. I want to devote my time to learning something new, new activities, work, spiritual self-developing and more.
I'm still thinking, but the decision now seems to me clearer than before.
Ofc I'll finish the current NSC, the spin-off (still don't know what song to send ahahaha), also I think I'll enter Congrats.
That's what I wanted to tell... Thanks for reading and have a good day!