More detailed Spanish result.
1- Portugal (3rd)
1- Switzerland (3rd)
3- France (7th)
4- Ireland (8th)
4- Romania (8th)
6- Belgium (9th)
7- United Kingdom (10th)
8- Armenia (11th)
8- Greece (11th)
8- Israel (11th)
8- Lithuania (11th)
8- Poland (11th)
8- Slovenia (11th)
14- Denmark (12th)
14- Latvia (12th)
14- Malta (12th)
14- Netherlands (12th)
14- Norway (12th)
19- FYR Macedonia (13th)
19- Germany (13th)
21- Estonia (14th)
21- Ukraine (14th)
23- Azerbaijan (15th)
23- Italy (15th)
25- Finland (16th)
25- Georgia (16th)
25- Moldova (16th)
28- Montenegro (17th)
29- Iceland (18th)
29- Russia (18th)
29- Sweden (18th)
32- Belarus (20th)
32- Hungary (20th)
34- Austria (21th)
1- Albania (1st)
2- Hungary (4th)
2- Israel (4th)
2- Ukraine (4th)
2- United Kingdom (4th)
6- Norway (5th)
6- Romania (5th)
8- Ireland (6th)
9- Latvia (7th)
9- Slovenia (7th)
11- Austria (8th)
11- Lithuania (8th)
13- Finland (9th)
13- FYR Macedonia (9th)
13- Poland (9th)
16- Belgium (10th)
16- Estonia (10th)
16- France (10th)
16- Germany (10th)
16- Moldova (10th)
16- Switzerland (10th)
22- Armenia (12th)
22- Azerbaijan (12th)
22- Netherlands (12th)
25- Malta (14th)
26- Belarus (16th)
26- San Marino (16th)
28- Sweden (18th)
29- Denmark (19th)
29- Russia (19th)
31- Iceland (20th)
31- Montenegro (20th)
33- Italy (21st)
33- Portugal (21st)
35- Greece (22nd)
- Spain has done better in the jury voting, but surprisingly we didn't do really well in any of both voting while we got higher with the 50-50. I think new system favoured us this year because we were in the middle of the road in many countries and we got many low points from them when their televotings and juries didn't agree.
- The ranking is kinda predictable. Closer countries voting higher for us and also important role of our little diaspora (especially Switzerland). Surprise is Italy again voting us very low. I guess Italians don't see us as such close brothers as we see them...
- Worst results are again coming from some Nordic and Eastern countries. On the other hand, all Baltic countries which usually score Spain so low voted for us this year, with quite decen televoting results and really good jury results.
- The three juries who gave us the lowest scores are Portugal, Italy and Greece, all of them Mediterranean and close countries. Maybe they punished us for sending something not really representative of Spain and our culture.