^^ Several reasons contributed to this. First of all, the general interest has dropped significantly after we won. Until that, it was sort of a "national event", the song was promoted everywhere, everyone were talking about it, ESC was in headlines all the time in one way or another, but since that happened, this trend changed, after the downfall we had in 2009, the interest dropped to a very low level. Zeljko returned it in 2012 a bit and now after Moje 3's result in Malmo, almost nobody except the fans care for it

Casual viewers view it more like a sports competition, and not like a song contest and that is why the result influences the viewing rates a lot.
There is a huge author crisis as well ,and for the same reasons they are not interested either. On the last Beosong, there were only 3 good songs, and 12 mediocre ones. It is nowhere near years like 2005 or 2006 where there was a bunch of great entries, and most of them had a huge ESC potential.
Of course, RTS' approach also has a certain degree of impact on all of this.