Well, I am not so sure that Slovenia is unfairly treated. Imo, perhaps only once or twice an injustice happened to us, but otherwise, when we didn't qualify, it was deserved. We always screw something up. Either with song or with staging...
Welcome to my homeland.
As for Bulgarians, I am really glad to hear about your positive experiences with Bulgarians. My friend Maria, she always is so critical towards her own people, she thinks they are lazy and not hard-working enough, so they are justedly disrespected by others. Have you known that Greek men (and women) consider Bulgarian women for easy and slutty? I remember my friend was shocked when I told her my mum would be super proud if she would become her daugther in law. And her reaction was: Wouldn't she mind that I am a Bulgarian? And I didnt get it what she was referring to, so I asked her why? And she said: But don't do Slovenians think Bulgarian women are slutty? And my reaction was: where did you get this one? Her reply: From Greek men... So, I told her NO, if you are from Ukraine, then you'd be suspiciously looked upon in Sllovenia, cuz Ukrainian women that live here are known to have come here to do that disrespected business no one talks about
So, yes, Bulgarians are truly great people in my own experience, and their song would deserve more than ever to reach top 10 - though I really liked their only finalist up till now - VODA! Loved every bit of that song. Btw, are you a British?