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Russia RUSSIA 2016 - Sergey Lazarev - You Are The Only One

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March 31, 2016
And I completely agree with GermanBango, Russia is a disgrace to modern civilization.

To call some country or nation a “disgrace to civilization” – this is what the fascist ideology is based on. That comment alone is a huge disgrace to human being who made it (in particular case – yourself). As you refer to GermanBango, you can share this shame.


February 18, 2016
Malaga, Spain
I rly like this song, i give it 10 pointssss


March 31, 2016
Thanks for your support :lol:
I tend to completely ignore him atm that's why I didn't even react.

What made you so thankful for this kind of support, if you (as you say) would never insult the citizens of a country because of their politicians? So, flash news for you: if someone calls your country a disgrace to civilization - it is insult.
And there is no “objective criticism” in your comments, as you claim. All your comments about Russian policy show how poorly informed and hardcore brainwashed you are.


Well-known member
April 13, 2012
What made you so thankful for this kind of support, if you (as you say) would never insult the citizens of a country because of their politicians? So, flash news for you: if someone calls your country a disgrace to civilization - it is insult.
And there is no “objective criticism” in your comments, as you claim. All your comments about Russian policy show how poorly informed and hardcore brainwashed you are.



February 26, 2014
What made you so thankful for this kind of support, if you (as you say) would never insult the citizens of a country because of their politicians? So, flash news for you: if someone calls your country a disgrace to civilization - it is insult.
And there is no “objective criticism” in your comments, as you claim. All your comments about Russian policy show how poorly informed and hardcore brainwashed you are.

So if someone says that North Korea is a disgrace to civilisation, should North Koreans who somehow managed to escape feel insulted?


Active member
March 20, 2012
So if someone says that North Korea is a disgrace to civilisation, should North Koreans who somehow managed to escape feel insulted?

How does this connect to Russian members of this forum who are not going to "escape" from their country, as well as 99% of the Russians (emigration level is among the lowest in Eastern Europe) ?


Active member
March 20, 2012
Excuse me? I did what?
I insulted a country? You my friend (and some others in here) really need to learn the difference between criticizing POLITICS (or a Song) and insulting a nation and/or it's citizens.
I can tell you that it would look completely different if I wanted to insult someone - I hope you'll never have to witness that ;)
Every time someone in here says something negative about the Russian SONG (e.g. "I don't like it because it's dated, cheesy or whatever") a whole bunch of trolls starts with this "Ohhh You only hate Russia because of Putin bla bla"-bullshit. This is how the whole discussion starts over and over again. I'm really the last person who wants/likes to argue about political topics but when someone asks me to share my thoughts I do. Nothing else happened... People started to talk about the politics again and I felt like I had to intervene - I now know that this was my only mistake because some people are very good at twisting words (you are the best example)
Do I regret what I wrote? No, not at all since it's just the truth - I was just listing facts. Do I care what people think about me and my opinion? Hell no. I'm not 12 anymore. I'd rather say you should stop telling me about MY intentions - You don't know anything about me. Did I want to "insult anyone without apparent reason"? Not really - Not even Putin would have felt insulted.
I would NEVER EVER insult the citizens of a country because of their crazy politicians, I mean why should I? - I actually know quite a lot of Russians and I appreciate them. They are indeed very kind, friendly and hospitably.
If you're not able to differentiate between objective criticism and insults you may be wrong in here. #sorrynotsorry
Btw one could argue that you actually want to start this discussion all over again because suddenly and out of nowhere you start to you throw allegations around although we ended this heated debate days ago. Just sayin' :lol:

That wasn't objective criticism, half of your statements in the mess that you wrote some days ago is nothing than brainwashing lie. You critisized that clown Kosmopol, but somehow managed to copy his methods of dispute.
And I'm convised that these political discussions with tons of lie from you, Kosmopol, Caspian, etc. is nothing that insulting of average Russian eurofans, who aren't involved in the discussion, but had to read all that sh*t about their counrty in a SONG thread.


Well-known member
April 13, 2012
Ok guys... You only want to discuss the song and artist - that's totally legit. But why are you starting with this off-topic over and over again? One side starts by provoking the other side and everything gets out of control once more ...
Let's just accept that we all have different opinions - that's life.
Just start talking about this awful song .... and let's stop hating each other. :lol:


February 26, 2014
How does this connect to Russian members of this forum who are not going to "escape" from their country, as well as 99% of the Russians (emigration level is among the lowest in Eastern Europe) ?

[MENTION=15238]Artinme[/MENTION] said that if someone calls your country a disgrace to civilization - it is an insult. That's why I asked him/her/them about North Korea. He/she/they wasn't referring to Russia only - he/she/they was referring to countries in general.

I don't agree with this statement at all. Someone might insult a country not because of the people but because of the actions of their government - I think that the case of North Korea illustrates that pretty well. Someone might say that Russia is an evil state - but that doesn't mean automatically that they are trying to insult Russian people in general. They might be saying that because of bad situation of LGBT communities across the country, the recent conflicts with Ukraine and Georgia, supporting Transnistria, etc. Perhaps some Russians also think that the actions of their government are morally unacceptable - but that doesn't mean they are insulting their compatriots.

Also, I don't see why you are getting 'Russian members of this forum' involved into this. Has someone from Russia complained about other members' opinions about Russia being personally offensive? I don't think so.

Anyway, let's finish this off-topic discussion. I think that we aren't supposed to discuss political matters in this topic anyway. If you want to continue, then I advise you to create a separate thread.


Well-known member
December 27, 2014
By the way, Sergey will represent Russia with the song You are the only one.


March 19, 2016
Said the one who liked post "Russia is a disgrace of civilization"
I never intended to directly attack Russians, though it is a very well known that Russia is a notorious case of human rights violations and medieval morality, so the government that currently rules it, is indeed a disgrace to the civilized world, like North Korea or Saudi Arabia.
I am aware that not all Russians share the same beliefs and ideology of their government.


Active member
March 20, 2012
I never intended to directly attack Russians, though it is a very well known that Russia is a notorious case of human rights violations and medieval morality, so the government that currently rules it, is indeed a disgrace to the civilized world, like North Korea or Saudi Arabia.
I am aware that not all Russians share the same beliefs and ideology of their government.

I am the one who is very anti-Putin person and always vote for opposition, but I also love my country and I'm convinced it doesn't deserve "disgrace of civilization". If you wrote a word "government" in that post, I would stay quiet, trust me...

Anyway, like Mii11 said, let's finish.


February 1, 2014
I like Russia's entry this year because:

it's an entertaining song, even if it might not be the best one.
Sergey is a highly professional, powerful performer who can deliver on stage
we can expect a great show and staging and thus one of the best overall packages.

Russia is by far not my favorite but provided the show will be as expected, this is a well deserved contender for the victory in may.


Well-known member
March 1, 2015
Village in Slovenia
[MENTION=15238]Artinme[/MENTION] said that if someone calls your country a disgrace to civilization - it is an insult. That's why I asked him/her/them about North Korea. He/she/they wasn't referring to Russia only - he/she/they was referring to countries in general.

I don't agree with this statement at all. Someone might insult a country not because of the people but because of the actions of their government - I think that the case of North Korea illustrates that pretty well. Someone might say that Russia is an evil state - but that doesn't mean automatically that they are trying to insult Russian people in general. They might be saying that because of bad situation of LGBT communities across the country, the recent conflicts with Ukraine and Georgia, supporting Transnistria, etc. Perhaps some Russians also think that the actions of their government are morally unacceptable - but that doesn't mean they are insulting their compatriots.

Also, I don't see why you are getting 'Russian members of this forum' involved into this. Has someone from Russia complained about other members' opinions about Russia being personally offensive? I don't think so.

Anyway, let's finish this off-topic discussion. I think that we aren't supposed to discuss political matters in this topic anyway. If you want to continue, then I advise you to create a separate thread.

I'd a sex with you - free of charge for this post. One of the soundest posts here in this thread! Hands up!x12s


Well-known member
March 1, 2015
Village in Slovenia
I never intended to directly attack Russians, though it is a very well known that Russia is a notorious case of human rights violations and medieval morality, so the government that currently rules it, is indeed a disgrace to the civilized world, like North Korea or Saudi Arabia.
I am aware that not all Russians share the same beliefs and ideology of their government.

This statement is actually quite ironic if you are truly from Belgium. Weren't the organizers of the recent terrorist attacks by origin from Bruxelles - born and raised in your capital? What does this info say about morality of people Belgium? So, next time when you criticize other countries, sweap first in front of your own doors.

P.S. And I am truly sorry that I had to go there and talk about those innocent victims of those horrible attacks, but sometimes such examples are simply necessary, however, they sound horrible.


March 31, 2016
So if someone says that North Korea is a disgrace to civilisation, should North Koreans who somehow managed to escape feel insulted?

In North Korea there are still thousands of artists and every day they make an impact into world civilization. How is it not obvious!?
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