Excuse me? I did what?
I insulted a country? You my friend (and some others in here) really need to learn the difference between criticizing POLITICS (or a Song) and insulting a nation and/or it's citizens.
I can tell you that it would look completely different if I wanted to insult someone - I hope you'll never have to witness that

Every time someone in here says something negative about the Russian SONG (e.g. "I don't like it because it's dated, cheesy or whatever") a whole bunch of trolls starts with this "Ohhh You only hate Russia because of Putin bla bla"-bullshit. This is how the whole discussion starts over and over again. I'm really the last person who wants/likes to argue about political topics but when someone asks me to share my thoughts I do. Nothing else happened... People started to talk about the politics again and I felt like I had to intervene - I now know that this was my only mistake because some people are very good at twisting words (you are the best example)
Do I regret what I wrote? No, not at all since it's just the truth - I was just listing facts. Do I care what people think about me and my opinion? Hell no. I'm not 12 anymore. I'd rather say you should stop telling me about MY intentions - You don't know anything about me. Did I want to "insult anyone without apparent reason"? Not really - Not even Putin would have felt insulted.
I would NEVER EVER insult the citizens of a country because of their crazy politicians, I mean why should I? - I actually know quite a lot of Russians and I appreciate them. They are indeed very kind, friendly and hospitably.
If you're not able to differentiate between objective criticism and insults you may be wrong in here. #sorrynotsorry
Btw one could argue that you actually want to start this discussion all over again because suddenly and out of nowhere you start to you throw allegations around although we ended this heated debate days ago. Just sayin'