Finally the drama is over for Romania! So now they have the time to think how to improve the staging it in order to make it qualify since Its not that bad anyway and it propably deserves a place in the final. I have given 5 points so far!
results are official.. robert kaye father of olivier kaye posted thisThese Results arent official. Wikipedia doesnt give a Source.
Also its Time that TVR reveals the TV-Numbers, but I fear the Drama will go on if they reveal that Ester only got 200-300 Votes.
Apparently Bella would love to represent Romania but only with internal Selection. But wont happen of course.
Apparently Bella would love to represent Romania but only with internal Selection. But wont happen of course.
Apparently Bella would love to represent Romania but only with internal Selection. But wont happen of course.
Pentru ca TVR a preferat sa taca, eu am sa vorbesc. Televotingul din finala Eurovision a fost o mizerie. TVR a lucrat cu Simplus Invest SRL. Acestia din urma au gestionat sms-urile si au incasat banii. Regulamentul spunea ca poti vota o singura data pentru un artist. Oamenii au votat. Insa in foarte multe cazuri, Simplus Invest nu a trimis sms-urile de confirmare. (Unii nu le-au primit nici pana in ziua de azi.) Asa ca au mai dat inca un sms, si inca unul, si inca 10. Unii au primit mesaj cum ca au votat de prea multe ori. Insa TOATE mesajele au fost taxate! Daca unii au dat in disperare 20 de mesaje... au de platit 20 de mesaje. Asta cu toate ca regulamentul spunea ca nu poti vota de 2 ori de pe un numar de telefon. Prin urmare nu au cum sa taxeze un sms care nu este luat in calcul.
Consider ca Simplus Invest au furat bani, iar prin tacerea afisata de atatea zile TVR le este complice.
Din respect pentru toti cei care au votat nu pot sa stau si sa tac. Vreau sa-mi cer eu scuze pentru mizeria asta facuta de Simplus Invest. Sfatul meu este sa apelati la protectia consumatorului fara ezitare.
Because TVR preferred to keep quiet, I will talk. Eurovision TVTV was a mess. TVR worked with Simplus Invest SRL. The latter managed the sms and collected the money. The rules say you can only vote once for an artist. People voted. But in many cases, Simplus Invest did not send confirmation sms. (Some have not received them until today.) So they gave another sms, and one more, and another 10. Some got the message that they voted too many times. But ALL messages have been charged! If some have desperated 20 messages ... they have to pay 20 messages. This despite the rule saying that you can not vote twice from a phone number. Therefore, there is no way to charge a sms that is not taken into account.
I think Simplus Invest has stolen money, and through the silence that has been shown for so many days, TVR is an accomplice.
Out of respect for all those who voted, I can not stand and shut up. I want to apologize for this misfortune made by Simplus Invest. My advice is to appeal to consumer protection without hesitation.
Coiotu '