Today it was time for

at the ESC kompakt songchecks 2024.
Auch in dieser Saison diente das Festival da Canção als portugiesischer Vorentscheid für den Eurovision Song Contest. In einem spannenden Finale mit Voting von Jury und Zuschauer*innen setzte sich …
The verdict of the bloggers:
Benny - A very emotional to dramatic Fado ballad with good lyrics that really catches me and fascinate me for three minutes. The creative staging also contributes to this, which will certainly raised to a higher level for Malmö. The song itself is pretty unwieldly though and maybe that´s why it didn´t dig that deep into my heart.
Berenike - I had to listen to the song quite a few times until I found a connection to it. That´s not unusual for Portuguese entrys though, they like to be unwieldly. In the meantime I like the song due to it´s floating sadness and yearning. And because of its bulkiness.
Douze Points - Portugal is once again staying true to itself and ignoring the supposed mainstream. Instead, the focus is once again on an artistic-modern, albeit largely incomprehensible work of art. When implemented on stage, it captivates me for at least two minutes - also because Iolanda performs and sings in an equally fascinating and professional way.
Flo - Once again an extremely coherent and beautifully performed number from Portugal. Above all, the slow build-up from the almost a cappella singing to the chorus and the increasing instrumentation can have an extremely effective effect on stage. The biggest hurdle could almost be the semi-final itself, where only televoting counts, because the juries will certainly have a few points up their sleeve in this year with few ballads. From many points of view, “Grito” would be an enrichment for the finale.
Manu - From the first to the last second, Iolanda captivates me - I felt the same way when I just listened to the audio. I was even more delightet that she managed to bring this feeling to the stage. The quiet beginning full of harmony and her wonderful voice, the ear-pleasing chorus, the melodically completely different second verse full of drama, emotions and interesting sounds right up to the scream of liberation and the singing that is completely at peace again: For me “Grito” is the masterpiece of this year's ESC. A quality that simply belongs in the final. Completely convincing

Max - After Salvador Sobral's victory, the country has absolutely found its way at the ESC: Staying true to itself, relying on authenticity and not doing so badly. This year things are generally going well again, even if “Grito” is probably not as accessible as “Saudade, Saudade” and is a bit more unwieldly for the general public. Nevertheless, once again a very interesting contribution from Portugal.
Peter - Grito” is a rather difficult cry to digest. Strong: The edginess and dramaturgical depth of the song, Iolanda's voice and, above all, the impressive Faceless production in Pina Bausch style all in white. Not so strong: You can't get in and a noticeable melody is conspicuous by its absence.

for the color white.
Rick -For me “Grito” (along with Leo Middea) was actually the only viable song in this year's Festival da Canção, which is why I think it's a good choice for the ESC. Compared to the international competition, the number just doesn't convince me that much. Still, I like the artistic performance and somehow the melody - but it just doesn't blow me away.