LOL Blasted got blasted

All yours now
P.S. To be fair, I thought Blasted had the most appealing ESC staging so I'm not just some blind hater. I did think however their song was pretty flat, apart from the Portuguese guitar lick bit. Bárbara deserves it so much, so adorable and plenty of charisma BUT I think that staaging has to go, feels too much like Dancing With The Stars. I was surprised with Filipe, the lyrics seemed so awkward and to this day I thought of it as a no chances. But after seeing the staging and some comments here that he is some sort of media entities darling I am not that surprised in the end. Throes + The Shine was the big lulz. Honestly I like a bit of a passage in their song to be fair but I never thought they stood a chance. I understand they have flavor though. As for the eliminated songs I always knew Meera stood no chance, I hope Rui Pragal da Cunha's son enjoys the gift that was even being able to participate in FdC (for not everyone even gets a shot and that song was too niche for niche itself and must have been composed in some "enlightened trip"). I really liked Ian's song but I understood right away that only stood a chance with long time fans of the festival and appreciators of values that are frowned upon by social media click click generation. Ah, I totally forgot Eliza. Tbh, nice lyrics. But also pretty flat ballad. Why didn't Marta sing it? She had more visual appeal than Eliza at least. To this day I thought it would be a race between Barbie and Blasted but I think differently after tonight ofc. I would love to think Barbie has a clear road to Rotterdam now but that would be naive after Blasted's flop. I think her contenders are Eliza (but sorry, this will have 0 impact on international crowd...) and Filipe (just 'cause it's an era where everything that is visually different is automatically embraced. He sings "leftist revolutionary music from 1974" (well, not really lyricall but in style) in a drag, I can see that appealing to washed up modern Portuguese people but in ESC stage could have similar result to Homens da Luta. Except for the Conchita factor ofc. Conan was too cheap as a person but the music was cooler. Filipe's music is a snooze fest but I guess he is more universally appealing to the new kids on the block. I have no real pointers to the 2nds semi. Or just 2: I dig Dubio's sound, it reminds of Muse instrumentally but with an appealing voice instead of that crap Muse have going on for them on the microphine. And the song of Hélio Morais, drummer of Linda Martini...I forgot the name and I am not really a fan. It's the repetitive "vês ou não?" song that somehow is quite memorable for that very reason. So I guess they have that going for them. But seriously, as a non-Blasted fan ( this is the exception, their magnus opum) I am still a very surprised they failed the final and I think we killed some of our international appeal at the very start - even if I didn't like it personally. I wonder how this can have happened, Blasted were pretty big here for a long time...this is certainly a punch to their stomachs and if former lead singer Karkov (I think they even named a song after him) still has bad blood with them then this has to come with a laughter for him. So I don't think it was a televote issue. I do not notice the levels of hipsterness in FdC gradually increase by the year in the jury though and I do think this was it mixed with some older's people taste. I think FdC can do without these sectaria Blitz journalist hipsters and to the international fans of Blasted who feel sad right now I think if to blame anyone you have to start right there...pretty happy all in all anyway personally!