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Portugal PORTUGAL 2020 - Elisa - Medo de Sentir

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March 11, 2013
When Movimento pulls that upset in the final xheat I stanned from the start
I hope Jimmy P surprise us all in the second semi and in the final.. xheat xheat xhaet


Well-known member
February 7, 2014
LOL Blasted got blasted :ROFLMAO:

Barbienxheart All yours now

P.S. To be fair, I thought Blasted had the most appealing ESC staging so I'm not just some blind hater. I did think however their song was pretty flat, apart from the Portuguese guitar lick bit. Bárbara deserves it so much, so adorable and plenty of charisma BUT I think that staging has to go, feels too much like Dancing With The Stars. I was surprised with Filipe, the lyrics seemed so awkward and to this day I thought of it as a no chancer. But after seeing the staging and some comments here that he is some sort of media entities darling I am not that surprised in the end. Throes + The Shine was the big lulz. Honestly I like a bit of a passage in their song to be fair but I never thought they stood a chance. I understand they have flavor though. As for the eliminated songs I always knew Meera stood no chance, I hope Rui Pragal da Cunha's son enjoys the gift that was even being able to participate in FdC (for not everyone even gets a shot and that song was too niche for niche itself and must have been composed in some "enlightened trip"). I really liked Ian's song but I understood right away that only stood a chance with long time fans of the festival and appreciators of values that are frowned upon by social media click click generation. Ah, I totally forgot Eliza. Tbh, nice lyrics. But also pretty flat ballad. Why didn't Marta sing it? She had more visual appeal than Eliza at least. To this day I thought it would be a race between Barbie and Blasted but I think differently after tonight ofc. I would love to think Barbie has a clear road to Rotterdam now but that would be naive after Blasted's flop. I think her contenders are Eliza (but sorry, this will have 0 impact on international crowd...) and Filipe (just 'cause it's an era where everything that is visually different is automatically embraced. He sings "leftist revolutionary music from 1974" (well, not really lyrically but in style) in a drag, I can see that appealing to washed up modern Portuguese people but in ESC stage could have similar result to Homens da Luta. Except for the Conchita factor ofc. Conan was too cheap personality-wise but the music was cooler. Filipe's music is a snooze fest but I guess he is more universally appealing to the new kids on the block.) I have no real pointers to the 2nd semi. Or just 2: I dig Dubio's sound, it reminds me of Muse instrumentally but with an appealing voice instead of that crap Muse have going on for them on the microphone. And the song of Hélio Morais, drummer of Linda Martini...I forgot the name and I am not really a fan. It's the repetitive "vês ou não?" song that somehow is quite memorable for that very reason. So I guess they have that going for them. But seriously, as a non-Blasted fan (>>> this is the exception, their magnus opum <<<) I am still very surprised they failed the final and I think we killed some of our international appeal at the very start - even if I didn't like it personally. I wonder how this can have happened, Blasted were pretty big here for a long time...this is certainly a punch to their stomachs and if former lead singer Karkov (I think they even named a song after him) still has bad blood with them then this has to come with a laughter for him. So I don't think it was a televote issue. I do notice the levels of hipsterness in FdC gradually increase by the year in the jury though and I do think this was it mixed with some older's people taste. I think FdC can do without these sectarian Blitz journalist hipsters and to the international fans of Blasted who feel sad right now I think if to blame anyone you have to start right there...pretty happy all in all anyway personally!
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April 20, 2015
A Bridge Too Far
Well I guess Blasted surely weren't in the top 2 of the televoting. Even if they placed last in the jury (which I don't think is the case at all), they would have still probably qualified if they were top 2 in the televoting.
Just saw the performance by Blasted. Seemed like an unlikable group of people and nu metal has been dead for years. Most people who are a bit alternatively inclined would be drawn to Gerbero Amarelo do Sul instead.


March 11, 2013
I rank in the final now:

1. Throes + The Shine – “Movimento” 10/10
2. Bárbara Tinoco – “Passe-Partout” 6/10
3. Elisa – “Medo de sentir” 6/10 – it is all right, I expected more, it didn’t convince me at all.. :'(
4. Filipe Sambado – “Gerbera amarela do Sul” 5/10 the song is good, but outfit, staging and performance, ehrmmmm….for the last place in ESC..


Well-known member
March 8, 2014
Paris, France
Blasted was your biggest stand out for Rotterdam! xcry xcry xcry

It was a disappointing but fair result. Blasted couldn't even stand out in a good way in an FdC semi... At best they would've gone through as 4th best instead of Sambado. But even he was more memorable imo.

Granted, I'm curious at how it would've fared in the grand final with a proper stage and production/sound, but this was a REALLY poor and disappointing performance from an experienced band that is used to play in live concerts. And SO FAR from what the old Blasted Mechanism used to be.


March 11, 2013

I dont agree, they were my no1, this studio is just not for a rock band..and it is a shame...

And Samabdo is if you want to go on the footsteps of horrible results.. :(


Well-known member
March 8, 2014
Paris, France

I dont agree, they were my no1, this studio is just not for a rock band..and it is a shame...

And Samabdo is if you want to go on the footsteps of horrible results.. :(

True, and I blame RTP for not giving them the best conditions to provide a good performance, but they also should've done their work better imo. I also liked "Rebellion" but it was very much dependent on the live delivery. It was a bad night for them, with RTP's incompetent production "giving a hand" as well.

Sambado is not card in the deck. He wouldn't be in the final, had Blasted delivered. This is all but Bárbara's (even more favorite now) with Elisa and surprising Throes + The Shine as her strongest competition.
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Well-known member
March 4, 2019
LOL Blasted got blasted :ROFLMAO:

Barbienxheart All yours now

P.S. To be fair, I thought Blasted had the most appealing ESC staging so I'm not just some blind hater. I did think however their song was pretty flat, apart from the Portuguese guitar lick bit. Bárbara deserves it so much, so adorable and plenty of charisma BUT I think that staaging has to go, feels too much like Dancing With The Stars. I was surprised with Filipe, the lyrics seemed so awkward and to this day I thought of it as a no chances. But after seeing the staging and some comments here that he is some sort of media entities darling I am not that surprised in the end. Throes + The Shine was the big lulz. Honestly I like a bit of a passage in their song to be fair but I never thought they stood a chance. I understand they have flavor though. As for the eliminated songs I always knew Meera stood no chance, I hope Rui Pragal da Cunha's son enjoys the gift that was even being able to participate in FdC (for not everyone even gets a shot and that song was too niche for niche itself and must have been composed in some "enlightened trip"). I really liked Ian's song but I understood right away that only stood a chance with long time fans of the festival and appreciators of values that are frowned upon by social media click click generation. Ah, I totally forgot Eliza. Tbh, nice lyrics. But also pretty flat ballad. Why didn't Marta sing it? She had more visual appeal than Eliza at least. To this day I thought it would be a race between Barbie and Blasted but I think differently after tonight ofc. I would love to think Barbie has a clear road to Rotterdam now but that would be naive after Blasted's flop. I think her contenders are Eliza (but sorry, this will have 0 impact on international crowd...) and Filipe (just 'cause it's an era where everything that is visually different is automatically embraced. He sings "leftist revolutionary music from 1974" (well, not really lyricall but in style) in a drag, I can see that appealing to washed up modern Portuguese people but in ESC stage could have similar result to Homens da Luta. Except for the Conchita factor ofc. Conan was too cheap as a person but the music was cooler. Filipe's music is a snooze fest but I guess he is more universally appealing to the new kids on the block. I have no real pointers to the 2nds semi. Or just 2: I dig Dubio's sound, it reminds of Muse instrumentally but with an appealing voice instead of that crap Muse have going on for them on the microphine. And the song of Hélio Morais, drummer of Linda Martini...I forgot the name and I am not really a fan. It's the repetitive "vês ou não?" song that somehow is quite memorable for that very reason. So I guess they have that going for them. But seriously, as a non-Blasted fan ( this is the exception, their magnus opum) I am still a very surprised they failed the final and I think we killed some of our international appeal at the very start - even if I didn't like it personally. I wonder how this can have happened, Blasted were pretty big here for a long time...this is certainly a punch to their stomachs and if former lead singer Karkov (I think they even named a song after him) still has bad blood with them then this has to come with a laughter for him. So I don't think it was a televote issue. I do not notice the levels of hipsterness in FdC gradually increase by the year in the jury though and I do think this was it mixed with some older's people taste. I think FdC can do without these sectaria Blitz journalist hipsters and to the international fans of Blasted who feel sad right now I think if to blame anyone you have to start right there...pretty happy all in all anyway personally!

There is no bad blood between Blated and Karkov, for what I'm aware he left because he felt he didn't had more creativity to give to the band.
What I don't get is how the vocalist flumbed the chorus, for what I read in interviews and online his first language is english, he only came back to Portugal with eighteen...
It sadness me that they didn't make it but it's true that they only have themselves to blame for it


Well-known member
January 12, 2014
Elisa was my favourite before the show, but now I think I’m jumping on the Barbara train! It gives me similar vibes to Portugal’s entry in 2009. Also we need a Barbara in Eurovision now since the Czechs bailed on us


Well-known member
February 7, 2014
DanielLuis said:
I still think Bárbara is our best choice, if they get those damn camera angles right.

No sh! I thought they were trying to dig her grave with all those wide shots :D Nice try.

As for Blasted, their actual singer is not Portuguese? I knew something sounded very off from the very first lines. Words were missing or mispelled. If so, no surprise. But honestly I just thought he was too cracked out of his head, as that is as their main reputation around here in their country anyway :D

:D I don't understand how can Bárbara can even be compared to Flor-de-Lis. Flor-de-Lis were these nobody pop-folk band coming out of nowhere (still are btw) that conquered the hearts of Portuguese people and made us proud in ESC regardless of result or international appeal. Bárbara is a sweetheart, brewed in a talent contest of RTP with visual appeal, a clear and very appealing voice and with also some genre pedigree added to background as it seems. I rate her chances higher. I don't let myself fool anymore by the fanbase...Katerine Duska was shouted to be a contender for the victory last year and then flopped in the final. I take both hardcore fans and casual fans with a pinch of salt, mix it in and still get surprised in the end anyway
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Well-known member
May 11, 2016
I ve always loved Thores and they were freaking amazing. I want them at eurovision sooooooo much

However I think Barbara will win thw whole thing and I ain't bad. But the dances really need to work. They weren't coordinated!

Rebellion was a flop. Live was terrible.

Elisa is a cutie and the song is cute but never has a moment where it just explodes.

And I think nwxt year RTP should use an internation jury for the final
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Albania Superstar
August 21, 2014
Phoenix, AZ / Oovoo Javer
4 good-to-superb qualifiers out of Portugal!

"Passe-Partout" is my favorite but she needs to figure out stage presence and does not have a lot of time to learn it. That will get absolutely eaten alive as is on the bigger Eurovision stage.


Well-known member
April 18, 2013
yes, opinion on passe-partout, since it's the big elephant in the room:

first seconds in, i thought "GREAT. she isn't taking this seriously, that was my fear. in fact, this looks like it will be a ridiculous parody of la la land, exactly as i wanted it to be. portugal is getting good at this". then, the cute bearded dude did away with his guitar, and the three other dancers came in, and i immediately went "oh. oh no. oh no no no no no".

that choreography is an absolute atrocity and entirely murdered the stage concept and also barbara's presence, since she can't dance. seriously, that choreo is some raffaella carrà sunday show reject bullshit. i was cringing and looking away from my phone at points. NO. this would be last in the eurovision semi faster than you can spell sarah mcternan.

the song is fine and hope is not lost since they alllllmost hit the exactly right spot for this song on stage, but: get rid of the dancers and make it entirely about bárbara and the cute dude being la la land idiots on stage. NO ELABORATE CHOREO THANK YOU PLEASE. if in doubt, watch loin d'ici by zoe to get a better idea of what a la la land idiot looks like. you are welcome, RTP.


January 21, 2019
Tumblr, mostly.
l went to bed before results were announced and have now woken up to the knowledge of Rebellion dying.

T H A N K F U C K they NQ'd. I read comments here, there and everywhere that Blasted's live performance was bad, but honestly, they're were fine? Their song is the problem. Rebellion has always been a bag of hot air which failed to deliver on its promises. Its genre shifts and key changes didn't work in the studio version. It was a great idea on paper and a shoddy execution in practice. The only reason people liked it is because it went against the usual grain of FdC.

I am happy the live performance at least seemed to have opened many eyes to the truth that Rebellion just utterly sucks and fully earned its NQ over Gerbera de Amarela do Sul :-)


June 5, 2019
Barbara's staging is heading the right way but surprisingly crashed. What are those three other dancers doing there? No, no, no, that's too much. I applaud the property and backdrop setting (la-la-land idiot sitting in a bench on Saturday night), but I wish it'd be simpler and intimate. Just involve Barb and a guy on stage giving meaningless eye contacts endlessly, play with the camera angles, and there you go. Sometimes simpler is better.


Worldvision Mod ❄️
Staff member
February 10, 2019
chocolatine in savouè
Passe-Partout reminds me of 50's French music so much, the whole thing is cute and all but I'm not sure how to feel about it. However I love hearing her sing Portugese.
Studio version of Movimento is my fav so I'm glad they got through but I expected even more energy.
Medo de sentir is fine and all but there's nothign outstanding for me.
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