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Portugal PORTUGAL 2017 - Salvador Sobral - Amar pelos dois

How do you rate the entry?

  • 12

    201 52.1%
  • 10

    26 6.7%
  • 8

    20 5.2%
  • 7

    17 4.4%
  • 6

    3 0.8%
  • 5

    23 6.0%
  • 4

    10 2.6%
  • 3

    14 3.6%
  • 2

    5 1.3%
  • 1

    8 2.1%
  • 0

    59 15.3%

  • Total voters


Albania Superstar
August 21, 2014
Phoenix, AZ / Oovoo Javer


Piece of Wonk
March 12, 2015
Remember when people wanted Portugal to send this song?


Well look at how close it was with Jamala last year! She only got through because the televoters won the tiebreak. Funny how the winners have been marginal NF winners these past two years :p


Well-known member
March 6, 2011
This final was such an emotional rollercoaster and I couldn't be more happier now that my first favourite of the year has won Eurovision, first time ever that it occurs in my active fandom years. After it was announced Bulgaria was second in televote I screamed and nearly burst into tears. Thank you so much Portugal for sharing this beautiful entry with the rest of us and good luck with hosting next year. xheart


Well-known member
May 11, 2016
Things in Portugal are getting pretty serious. Not only RTP did a "special news broadcast" live while Salvador arrived to the airport, during the prime-time news program the talked during the first 30 minutes about Salvador and Eurovision and then the journalist said: "We will back to this subject later on".

I'm an hardcore fan and even I am getting tired of hearing Amar pelos dois in every commercial break xD

But it's a good tired. We finally did it :) :)


Well-known member
May 11, 2016
Portuguese friends, a crazy lunatic fan in a Portuguese forum is saying that Portugal only won Eurovision because Salvador's mom is friends with Fátima Lopes, the stylist, and she has connections all over Europe and made Portugal win. I can't with these people, I honestly can't :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:




Well-known member
May 17, 2015
I just read on FB that, if the old system was used, Portugal would have got 417 points!

That's like 10 and something points on average per country. Jesus.

I never thought reaching 400 pts would have been possible though.


December 28, 2009
Imo the worst winning entry since Latvia 2002! Sorry but not my cup of tea simply. I do acknowledge its authenticity and I applaud the fact a genuine entry in native language could win, but it's still a boring sleeping pill. Also the artist's nonchalant attitude doesn't help either, where people see "authentic artistry", I saw a pretentious hipster basically. It's not "artistry" to look like you're stoned on stage, to act arrogant in the green-room and he took the price of pretentious arrogance when he basically dissed the contest in his "winning speech", sorry but your entry is not more "real music" than "Hey, Mamma!". There is room for different music, and music is not just for one emotion or context, but to fill the whole spectrum of emotions, your song might fill some emotions, but don't stand and diss the hard work your competitors put out, extra fail when you didn't even compose your own song, so much for "real music" and "authenticity".


March 17, 2015
Things in Portugal are getting pretty serious. Not only RTP did a "special news broadcast" live while Salvador arrived to the airport, during the prime-time news program the talked during the first 30 minutes about Salvador and Eurovision and then the journalist said: "We will back to this subject later on".

I'm an hardcore fan and even I am getting tired of hearing Amar pelos dois in every commercial break xD

But it's a good tired. We finally did it :) :)

Haha, does it get played in every commercial break? :lol:


January 17, 2012
Sorry for the late reaction, I couldn't access the forum since this morning. It didn't load: very annoying. :?

Congratulations to Portugal! It's so surreal to think you've just had your first victory after almost 50 years of participation and a collection of failures and not-so-great results. Who knew the stars would align for you this year!? :)

I'm even more positively shocked that "Amar Pelos Dois" is the song that led you there. What's going on seriously? After 1944, we have another unconventional and un-Eurovisiony winning entry, I'm so delighted to see that talent and musical merit can still win nowadays.

And even though there is much to discuss about the overall results (especially the juries'), at least your victory is irrefutable since you got both parties to agree you were the best last night. As I said, it's an amazing feat because: not only your song didn't fit the usual Eurovision format, but it wasn't sung in English and it didn't feature any kind of visual or musical gimmick or hook, which totally challenges the belief that one needs to be artificially catchy, over-the-top or controversial to make an impact within the framework of the contest.

Those who demanded that the contest become a hit machine and juries who alledgedly follow criteria to achieve that are wrong imo. Once again, results showed viewers don't wonder if a song is slaying on Spotify, if it is in line with today's musical trends or if it has what it takes to chart several months in Europe to vote for it: they simply want to be moved, which for me is a confirmation that Eurovision should remain closer to a televised music festival than a show meant to promote content with potential international commercial success only. Of course, if the winning song charts well afterwards, that's all good: but that should be a bonus, not a necessity.

Finally, I wanted to say that some people found Salvador's post-victory words were misplaced and pure arrogance, which imo is an exaggeration. He simply meant that he was thankful people voted for his song, which is indeed far from sounding like your usual Eurovision entry or the top best-selling single in the US at the moment, and - as our way of consuming music has changed a lot this decade - we've got used to considering music a disposable product so much that it's increasingly difficult for artists that are out of trends and pure commercial considerations to get recognition, and even more so on big platforms like Eurovision. From what I understood, he hopes that his victory will make soulful/meaningful/unconventional music a bigger place in the contest, and so do I. If there is anything countries should remember after this edition, it's that native languages, genuineness and risks pay off.

Salvador gave a beautiful performance last night and I admit I became teary-eyed at the end when the crowd cheered like crazy. I can't even put a finger on what was more moving for me: the music? the message? Salvador's voice? the harmony with the audience?... All I can say is that he clearly didn't steal his victory. I'm thrilled for all the Portuguese ESC fans who must be over the moon right now, and I sincerely hope next year's participants will adopt a more genuine and quality-driven approach as far as music is concerned.

Obrigado Salvador for the music! xheart


February 9, 2012
Portuguese friends, a crazy lunatic fan in a Portuguese forum is saying that Portugal only won Eurovision because Salvador's mom is friends with Fátima Lopes, the stylist, and she has connections all over Europe and made Portugal win. I can't with these people, I honestly can't :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Yes, it's all true. Fátima Lopes paid me in fashion to hype the song here on this very forum as well. I'm currently rocking the latest runway couture.


Well-known member
May 11, 2016
Haha, does it get played in every commercial break? :lol:

YES! And there is a voice over that says: Thank you Salvador!

And yes, the song is also played during the "special news broadcast" and the prime-time news program when they are talking about eurovision. So yeah, 30 minutes of Amar pelos dois in loop.

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