There is no thrill... The beginning is like: "hey, I have a secret to tell you"... It's intriguing.You don't know if the song is going to go all techno, disco or just slow... It makes my hope rise!!!
Then it all falls flat... :? Because there is nothing happening in the refrain... nothing that can match the promise of the beginning...Well, that's how I feel. But I'm only one little person in the whole world...haha...
Personally, I agree with you, the beginning is the best part of the song, it builds up quite nicely.
I'm ok with the chorus though, it's not amazing to me, but it does the job. However, past the first chorus, I completely stop paying attention to the rest as it's basically copy and paste to my ears, I wished they would have created a more interesting bridge and a stronger/modified last chorus. As it is, it drags on too much to me, even if it's only 3 minutes. :?
Objectively, I think the song (minus the singer and performance) would have probably worked in ESC at first listen. But personally, the more I listen to it, the more the two-thirds of the song bore me xshifty