Re: Paul,the psychic octopus predicting Germany-Argentina
LOL LOL LOL. Speaking of predictions
On one of our sports channels they just brought a bunch of "professional" astrologers to say who will win today, and who will win the world cup. I am wondering are those people really beliving in what they say here, 'cause this kind of nonsense is everything but "true"
What fascinated me is that they used some sort of "method" in their charts that if, for example, Germany wears white, "the stars will be on their side" (to cut the long story they said short
), but if they wear black then it will be either a Spanish victory or a very hard road to the win.
3 Oh and also they couldn't really agree. While those who used this "color method" said it will be Germany, the others who used some different method said that Spain is gonna make it. It's like a "Bingo"
I didn't know that the jersey color have an important twist on a future event, very interesting