link for the first sentence please. I have been googling for this but haven't found any official statement that Serbia is only successor of that comitee (from international olypic comitee). the only thing I have found are information that several successor have been made (even Kosovo is joining in). on official pages of olympic movement ( they have only medals from Beijing listed as serbian medals.
in any case, i would be embarassed.
what would u say if Russia took all USSR and CIS medals? would you congrat them on those milion medals?
Here (I bolded the most important parts):
The Olympic Committee of Serbia continues the tradition of the Yugoslav Olympic Committee and the Olympic Committee of Serbia and Montenegro.[SUP]
[1][/SUP] In the period from 1920 to 2006, athletes representing these defunct countries won a total of 99 medals: 95 at Summer Games and 4 at Winter Games.
and now something in native language that you will also surely understand:
Olimpijski komitet Srbije nastavlja tradiciju započetu osnivanjem Srpskog olimpijskog kluba 23. februara 1910. godine. On je 1911. promenio ime u Središnu saveznu upravu ili Centralni olimpijski klub, a 17. jula 1912. menja ime u Srpski olimpijski komitet, odnosno Olimpijski komitet Srbije, kako je stajalo na pečatu. Srpski olimpijski komitet je primljen u MOK na Kongresu u Stokholmu od 4. do 17. jula 1912. godine (tačan datum prijema nije poznat, a pretpostavlja se da je to bilo 17. jula). Osnivanjem Kraljevine Srba, Hrvata i Slovenaca osniva se 14. decembra 1919. godine u Zagrebu Jugoslovenski olimpijski odbor i nastavlja članstvo Srpskog olimpijskog komiteta u MOK, bez posebnog prijema.
Major Svetomir Đukić je na Kongresu MOK u Antverpenu 18. avgusta 1920. godine predstavljao Olimpijski komitet Srbije i tom prilikom ga je MOK priznao i za “delegata” Jugoslovenskog olimpijskog odbora. Tako je Srpski olimpijski komitet nastavio rad kao Jugoslovenski olimpijski odbor, a od 1927. godine kao Jugoslovenski olimpijski komitet. Te godine sedište JOK se vraća iz Zagreba u Beograd.
and now:
Hrvatski olimpijski odbor najviša je sportska udruga u Hrvatskoj, a osnovan 10. rujna 1991. godine u Zagrebu. Izvršni odbor Međunarodnog olimpijskog odbora (International Olympic Comittee) pod vodstvom tadašnjeg predsjednika MOO-a Juana Antonia Samarancha, privremeno je priznao Hrvatski olimpijski odbor 17. siječnja 1992. čime je hrvatski sport ušao u međunarodnu olimpijsku obitelj.
Hrvatski su sportaši mogli nastupati pod svojom, hrvatskom zastavom još iste, 1992. godine - na Zimskim olimpijskim igrama u Albertvillu i Igrama XXV olimpijade u Barceloni. Puno priznanje MOO-a uslijedilo je 24. rujna 1993. na 101. zasjedanju MOO-a u Monaku. Datum priznanja MOO-a (17. siječnja) proglašen je 1995. godine Velikim danom hrvatskoga športa i od tada ga HOO redovito slavi. Prvi predsjednik HOO-a bio je Antun Vrdoljak, član MOO-a (od 1995.)
I think the conclusion can be drawn easily.
We are the only successors, as your commitee was founded in 1991, while the Yugoslavian olypmic comittee of the same period was Serbian (and Montenegrin). It remained to exist even after we broke as a country. It carried that name until we changed the name of our country to Serbia & Montenegro, and then it was changed to Serbian olympic committee (again) after Montenegro became an independent state. Your olympic committee was officially recognized in 1992, so that is the period when you begin to count your medals. Yugoslavian olympic commitee of the "90s - ..." remained to exist even after you left and those medals remained there. After we broke up with Montenegro, we were again the legal successors, so there you have the tradition.
It is a sensitive question, and I would personally prefer for those medals to be counted as medals of Yugoslavia, or to simply be added to the country of the athlethes that won them (but then we are coming to another problem - how should we count medals in sports like basketball where we had a mix of Serbs, Croats, Montenegrins etc, etc....).
But it is certainly not what you are implying and we didn't take anything from anyone. Yes - it could've been different, no - it isn't. Yes - we inherited those medals as the successors of Yugoslavia and Serbia & Montenegro.
That is how things are standing, so your story of trying to make us thieves yet again fails to function in reality.