Well-known member
Re: NSC 61 in Berceniland - Siamese Twins - SEMI 2 (Deadline - 6 December @ 22:15 CET
Just one more question! Who did you say will get Celinas's plsace? The thing is that the 11th place in Semi 2 has more points than the 11 th place in SEmi 1, but the 11th place in Semi 1 has the same number of points with the 10th place in Semi 1....
Just one more question! Who did you say will get Celinas's plsace? The thing is that the 11th place in Semi 2 has more points than the 11 th place in SEmi 1, but the 11th place in Semi 1 has the same number of points with the 10th place in Semi 1....