Interviewer: "Tooji, what is there to say about this (what do you say to this)?"
Tooji: "Europe didn't like me. Ok, well, I hadn't expected [to come in] last place. But I guess I'm [I have no idea what "latis" is]... and laughing. In fact, I'm not sad. All there's left to do is to go back to the hotel to drink and shoot the ****. We've had fun and Norway's given me [whatever he said] and support. And it's [...] and I've received so much love from people that [I'm cool] (<-- spoken in English, obviously)."
Interviewer: "Denmark promised us 12 (I'm guessing that they're talking about that random Danish guy who wanted to create a pact to keep Sweden from winning) and then they gave us none."
Tooji: "Well, Denmark... and Sweden who gave us 3. I'm laughing, I think it's funny. It's actually, I'm [latis] (what the does "latis" mean?!).
Interviwer: "And what's going to happen now?" (I think)
Tooji: "Well, I intend to continue making music. I think I'm going to stay away from Grand Prix (Norwegian national final/Eurovision) from now on."
Interviewer: "And tonight?"
Tooji: "Tonight I'm going to party. It's still fun, so [party on] (also spoken in English].
I'm Swedish, so it's obviously a flawed translation (what the Hell is a "latis"?! Is it nynorsk? Slang?!).