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Luxembourg LUXEMBOURG 2024 - Tali - Fighter

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  • 12

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    12 7.7%
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ESC United Mod Team

Super Moderator
February 10, 2021




Active member
July 11, 2023
I am just back from Rockhal - it was very emotional just to be at a Eurovision NF here in Luxembourg :love: and people were genuinely happy!
I'm super happy with the winner. Tali's performance was really good and she seems like a really sweet, natural girl off stage. I hope she never goes on Twitter though, and that she will be well supported when she is confronted with all the hate coming her way :(

I haven't read through all the comments but yes, Luxembourgish is a real language :LOL: Everyone who goes to a public school here in Luxembourgs speaks the three languages: Luxembourgish, German, French – and they are learnt in that order in school. First you talk in Luxembourgish, then you learn to read in German and a little later, you learn French (and maths, for example, is taught in French).

The Luxembourgish band, Schëppe Siwen, that played as an interval act actually went to the auditions with that song (and a reduced number of band members). I have no idea why RTL decided to use them as an interval act instead of as a competing act…

Paco Roca

Well-known member
June 9, 2023
The cold behavior of the fandom has a reason: everyone happy for Luxembourg's return imagined a specific song and emotion. All the world's expectations have fallen on Luxembourg. Honestly, "Fighter" may not be a masterpiece but it is a song of great quality, the best quality in terms of song construction and vocals currently confirmed at the ESC together with "Mon Amour". I loved listening her sing in French and Tali has a great ability to modulate her voice (no screams and rap parts but beautiful singing, a voice similar to a musical instrument). As a debut song it's excellent and Luxembourg made us understand that they are aiming for qualification (not victory). :12: points for me.


Well-known member
February 21, 2021
The cold behavior of the fandom has a reason: everyone happy for Luxembourg's return imagined a specific song and emotion. All the world's expectations have fallen on Luxembourg. Honestly, "Fighter" may not be a masterpiece but it is a song of great quality, the best quality in terms of song construction and vocals currently confirmed at the ESC together with "Mon Amour". I loved hearing her sing in French and Tali has a great ability to modulate her voice (no screams and rap parts but beautiful singing, a voice similar to a musical instrument). As a debut song it's excellent and Luxembourg made us understand that they are aiming for qualification (not victory). :12: points for me.
I guess the whole Iceland situation also made many fans bitter. IMO Tali was the best tonight and deserved the win. I gave the song a :10: in the poll, because there are still some parts, which could be improved. Overall, a decent entry and definitely a very strong "debut" from Luxembourg.


Well-known member
February 15, 2020
The Luxembourgish band, Schëppe Siwen, that played as an interval act actually went to the auditions with that song (and a reduced number of band members). I have no idea why RTL decided to use them as an interval act instead of as a competing act…
Yeah, that's very unusual. Maybe the public wasn't supposed to know that they had tried to qualify?


Well-known member
February 22, 2022
Fighter was my favorite song studio version.
But rewatching the performance now made me feel so disappointed.
First it really seems that french is really not a language she is comfortable with at all cause the accent is quite strong while it wasn't here in the studio version. But well i guess for non speaking french people this won't matter.
The vocals weren't too bad but she was so out of breath in the 2nd part ...
And let's not talk about the dress and the chaotic choreography...
This needs so much work in my opinion. It's a bit amateurish.
Last edited:

Seregil Korit

Active member
December 15, 2023
Yeah, this is a deeply safe and accessible song. It's nicely produced, it develops logically and Tali is a good performer.
Unfortunately all of that makes for quite a boring package. I personally would have liked to see Luxembourg come in with a bigger statement but maybe they want to test the waters first? Oh well. 6/10 from me.


Well-known member
March 11, 2013
I haven't read through all the comments but yes, Luxembourgish is a real language :LOL: Everyone who goes to a public school here in Luxembourgs speaks the three languages: Luxembourgish, German, French – and they are learnt in that order in school. First you talk in Luxembourgish, then you learn to read in German and a little later, you learn French (and maths, for example, is taught in French).
Nice contrast to the Francophilia here.

Unfortunately, I don't really remember winning song, even though I heard all of them the same amount of times. NF itself wasn't bad, entries just lacked of something special and a bit of national flavour. Hope for decent result in May and more Luxembourgish (not specifically the language) entry next year :)


Well-known member
October 1, 2009
Evergem, Belgium
I find it not a bad song, there is still room for improvement, but one of the better ones so far.

Will it Q?
Hmm, as a small country it is hard to predict.

I think it certainly needs Belgium in the same semi and France voting in their semi to have a chance...

But welcome back Luxembourg :D :D


Active member
May 9, 2021
It's pretty inoffensive, but it has a nice melody and it's quite catchy. I will give it a :7: for now.

If I'm being honest, although there are still more songs to come, I don't really see it qualifying unless it's in a really weak semi, but it's a decent come back entry for Luxembourg.


Well-known member
December 6, 2014
Its a nice song but they must hope for a very weak semi to get into the final. I give 5 points.


Well-known member
April 24, 2015
A solid entry. Nothing wrong with it. :7: points from me.

Ajeje Brazorf

Well-known member
October 6, 2021
My favourite actually win? Wow, very impressed: thanks Luxembourg, It doesn't happens often. That said the Song Is good, the performance was good aswell but needs to be more dynamic in Eurovision since in some parts It seems a little empty. A plus Is she is a good live singer and in this kinda of songs you need to be one. An :8: atm.

Bobjan FR

Well-known member
December 11, 2021
Just in case, no matter luxembourg pick first half or second half in semi final, you can be 90% sure they will get the latest spot. They always do this with back countries, especially when they serve the kind of song the organizers want. So even if you think it will struggle to qualify, the organizers will try to make it pass through the semi.


November 15, 2020
the amount of antisemetic bs ive seen on twitter over this woman winning is insane im so glad we have this forum its the most civil and level headed eurovision discussion place on the internet by far

It's an awful world we live in today. Too many wars we can all agree on that. But also the way people treat other people just based on their religion, race, sexuality or even opinion. Like can people on Twitter even grasp the idea of people having different opinions and not getting cancelled for it? I'm done with people like that, grow up.

I sometimes miss the 2000's carelessness.


Well-known member
September 7, 2019
Bavaria, Germany
After sleeping one night I´m gonna stay with my :6: rating. It´s not a bad song but maybe a bit too tame to get big points, and the English chorus is still pretty irritating for me and doesn´t fit to the rest.

I still wish Tali good luck though, she´s a talented singer and maybe should work a bit on her singing technique since she sounded kinda breathless at some parts yesterday. If she can improve that she´ll have a good performance in Malmö and maybe :lu: will perform better than some may expect at the moment. :)
April 10, 2021
It's a sweet Cypriot - Greek - Maltese - Turkish bop, catchy melody, inoffensive, very well produced, seductive tiny female vocal. It's not though for those who suffer from diabetes. 🫠

Minus - not very different from what we normally expect of Eurovision, inoffensive also means not memorable enough. It could drown among other entries if it gets bad running order.

However, as this is the only listenable entry thus far, together with Albanian, I gave it a 7.

P.S. I must add, this was their best choice, the rest was such that I started summoning Jendrik's spirit to apologize for everything I had said.


Well-known member
March 11, 2020
Hmm kind of middle of the road, but a safe choice watching the performances from yesterday. I think it has good potential for a revamp. :6: points as of now.
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