prelim rankings, not many thoughts going on as per my usual:
ECTO - "Outsider" (still not over the shock of the saladfingers voice and i STILL cannot figure out whether he's asking whether i've ever felt like an eel, an eagle or a needle in a... vein? in a hay? in a plane? idk, i'm chuckling still, enjoy while it lasts before i come to my senses and the joy curdles into dislike)
Katrina Gupalo - "The Cat's Song" (still unsure whether she's
really into cats or really
into cats)
Vestules - Kur? (Cute enough, I like the duet vibe, and the jazz. However, we've already had Carousel)
Funkinbiz - "Na chystu vodu" (lol the Ukrainian,
okay, babes. Not a bad track tho, sounds like the sort of lounge music that would be played in a Contemporary Art Museum to accompany the ex.hbition of toy ornothopters made from Fanta cans)
Patricija Spale - "Heaven is raining down on me" (Cutesy fluff, but it needs A Big Staging Moment to anchor it down.)
Dons - "Hollow" (i hate that this selection forces my Aarzemnieki truther self to back Dons)
Santa Levica - Tick Tock - (sang some incoherent words and they were mildly bemusing)
Agnese Radkovska - "AI" (lmao what
trash. It would excite me more if I didn't know Agnese is also one of the least skilled vocalists in the known universe

Avei - "Mine" (passed without comment, idk)
Alekss Silvers - For the show (an annoying gay with a trashy song, you know the drill)
B / H - "Amsterdam" (why does every reference to amsterdam AUTOMATICALLY boil down to "loldrugs". Officer, arrest THESE deviants and leave Puuhlup ALOooOooOOoOooOONE)
i am not commenting on THESE shitty songs.
Jar of Kings - "Wildfire"
Edvars Strazdins - "Rock 'n' Roll Supernova"
Papiras Lidmasinas - "Mindbreaker"