So what you basically say is that we can bend the rules for Eurovision if the country belongs to the Anglo-Saxic/Western European cultural sphere of countries? Regardless of the country being part of Europe or not? Europe is much more than this centric-view.
True, Kazakhstan (for some odd reason) is not within those old EBU borders, and therefor not eligible, but so is not Australia (by far) so based on that criteria (as in EBU broadcasting area), none of them should be in. Based on geographical definitions however (= Europe) then Kazakhstan has every right to be in, regardless of what people in here might think or want, it IS partly geographical European and that part (while not being the major part of the country alone) is still way bigger than many European countries.
Also, and you proved my point again, the reason why some don't want Kazakhstan but are totally ok with bending the rules for Australia, is a Western-centric world-view, I personally find it very sad how big part of what is ALSO Europe is being totally ignored and looked down at. Sorry to break it to you, but there's more to what is "European" than only British and Western European and ESC should be a contest to celebrate all Europe, not just one particular culture. Whether you like it or not, Russian (and other Eastern-Orthodox) aswell as some Turkic cultures are just as much Europe as British or French or Spanish, if you won't admit that then you don't know what Europe is in the first place.