The problem isn't related to the last decade, it started 20+ years ago.
Just a couple of days ago I made a quick count watching one of those recaps "all the winners of Sanremo" and from that, you can clearly see that up until 2000 the situation was pretty much even and then all went downhill.
I'm going by memory here, but in 2000 Avion travel (all men band) won, then after that, the winning women were Elisa in 2001, Alexia in 2003, Emma in 2012, Arisa in 2014 and Angelina Mango in 2024.
In 2002 Matia Bazar won (a duo/group where the singer is a woman), in 2008-ish a duo, woman+man, Gio di tonno and Lola Ponce won and in 2021 Maneskin are saved by Victoria's presence.
The. rest. is. a. sausage. party."
Interestingly, televote was introduced in 2004
I’m not saying that the televote is the only reason why women are struggling, but it’s way more biased towards men than the professional juries."
Strange, nobody said anything about this just last year when Angelina won and Annalisa came third, or in 2012 when the podiums was Emma, Arisa, Noemi, or in 2001 when Elisa prevaled in an epic musical battle versus Giorgia... With a fantastic Silvia Mezzanotte leading Maria Bazar to third, and in 2002 to victory. Or in 2003 when Alexia dominated everyone else. Or even in 2014 when Arisa was a clear winner since day 1. So, when women win they deserve, when men win it's mysoginy, or a sausage party. Interesting point of view.
PS I never heard ANY male Italian artist complain when any female won Sanremo.
PPS Women and men are all involved in the voting: the press, the televote and the orchestra are all made by men and women. They all can vote. This, my friend, is called democracy, not mysoginy.
PPPS In Spain, Greece, Cyprus women are ALWAYS selected for Eurovision. Why don't I see the same topic in those nation threads? Because of the "slay kween" culture? No, because, it's the same thing or maybe even worse. Cyprus presented three dancing girls with three almost identical songs in three consecutive years and you are talking about Italy... Just saying.
By the way, if you scroll down the comments on FB, in the posts signaling this presumed "male privilege" in Sanremo, the first ones defending their choices and final rankings are mainly women voters. If they like a male act better and vote for it, who are you to say they are wrong? You know what will really be mysogynistic? Thinking women should vote only for women and not for whoever they want, just to preserve their gender in the top 3. It would be more misogynistic because it would mean that their vote would no longer be free Musical tastes are subjective. If male singers are voted that much, It means they are more liked. And there is nothing you can do to change this...
Maybe female singers should start considering why their songs are not that popular with the audiences, instead. And when they do this, then maybe we can see females winning on a more regular basis...
Full stop.