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Italy ITALY 2021 - Måneskin - Zitti e buoni

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September 28, 2009

Sanremo 2021: Vote for YOUR favourite!

Loro non sanno di che parlo
Voi siete sporchi, fra’, di fango
Giallo di siga’ fra le dita
Io con la siga’ camminando
Scusami, ma ci credo tanto
Che posso fare questo salto
Anche se la strada è in salita
Per questo ora mi sto allenando

E buonasera signore e signori
Fuori gli attori
Vi conviene toccarvi i coglioni
Vi conviene stare zitti e buoni
Qui la gente è strana, tipo spacciatori
Troppe notti stavo chiuso fuori
Mo’ li prendo a calci, ‘sti portoni
Sguardo in alto, tipo scalatori
Quindi scusa mamma se sto sempre fuori, ma

Sono fuori di testa, ma diverso da loro
E tu sei fuori di testa, ma diversa da loro
Siamo fuori di testa, ma diversi da loro
Siamo fuori di testa, ma diversi da loro

Io ho scritto pagine e pagine
Ho visto sale, poi lacrime
Questi uomini in macchina
Non scalare le rapide
Scritto sopra una lapide
"In casa mia non c’è Dio"
Ma se trovi il senso del tempo
Risalirai dal tuo oblio
E non c’è vento che fermi
La naturale potenza
Dal punto giusto di vista
Del vento senti l’ebrezza
Con ali in cera alla schiena
Ricercherò quell’altezza
Se vuoi fermarmi, ritenta
Prova a tagliarmi la testa

Sono fuori di testa, ma diverso da loro
E tu sei fuori di testa, ma diversa da loro
Siamo fuori di testa, ma diversi da loro
Siamo fuori di testa, ma diversi da loro

Parla la gente, purtroppo
Parla, non sa di che cosa parla
Tu portami dove sto a galla
Che qui mi manca l’aria
E parla la gente, purtroppo
Parla, non sa di che cosa parla
Tu portami dove sto a galla
Che qui mi manca l’aria
Parla la gente, purtroppo
Parla, non sa di che cazzo parla
Tu portami dove sto a galla
Che qui mi manca l’aria

Ma sono fuori di testa, ma diverso da loro
E tu sei fuori di testa, ma diversa da loro
Siamo fuori di testa, ma diversi da loro
Siamo fuori di testa, ma diversi da loro

Noi siamo diversi da loro​
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Well-known member
March 9, 2012
Yeah, I'm so sad to see some Italians being angry toward France while we were so happy and they also deserve to be happy too instead of being angry. 😭
Yeah, that was another thing spoiled by the stupid rumors.

One of the sweetest things in this forum was to witness the good sportsmanship between the French and Italian users. I remember something similar happening in 2017, between the Portuguese and the Italians. Both sides praising the "rival" entry.


Well-known member
January 30, 2019
Exactly! French people on here were just so happy (and even a large part of French people who watched the show: Italy was second in our televote!) but because of few so-called journalist and few very stupid people now everybody is getting angry...


Well-known member
May 29, 2018
I forgot to mention how surprised I was by Måneskin's approach to Eurovision. I watched their winners' press conference and the way they spoke about the contest and about the other artists was incredibly mature and respectful. They're very well-spoken and down-to-earth despite their young age and continued success. I also loved their pure reaction to the win. I hope they get to enjoy the victory to the fullest!


Well-known member
March 13, 2011
Even among French twitter, which can be a hot mess, people didn't ask for this, heck, they were even defending Italy. For once that they weren't being a bunch of shitheads people think we are 🤡
I'm glad our delegation actually didn't intend to fill a reclamation even if the test came out positive.
xrollinglol Are you sure you speak French? Because French twitter has been bursting with defamation, humiliation, horrible comments and gifs for days. When ONLY A FEW french people tried to defend the band, other french people accused those people with unspokable things. Not to mention journalists and politicians... Heck even one of your ministers said Italy should dq!

The whole thing was incredibly pathetic. France being France.


Worldvision Mod ❄️
Staff member
February 10, 2019
chocolatine in savouè
xrollinglol Are you sure you speak French? Because French twitter has been bursting with defamation, humiliation, horrible comments and gifs for days. When ONLY A FEW french people tried to defend the band, other french people accused those people with unspokable things. Not to mention journalists and politicians... Heck even one of your ministers said Italy should dq!

The whole thing was incredibly pathetic. France being France.
When I checked yesterday morning I swear it wasn't like that AT ALL, most posts I found were just French people calling other French people assholes for thinking that. As usual, bashing each other is our national sport.
People in general were just happy we weren't in the bottom for once. tbh we couldn't care less about winning, we already have JESC to host. After midday Eurovision wasn't even trending anymore, we found other things to bitch about. So maybe my twitter algorithm was broken or whatever, and someone else will contradict me, but I know what I saw.

And let me correct you : he didn't ask for DNQ. He asked for "transparency", a test to put it bluntly. He said then that if it was positive sanction needed to be taken. I'm not fooled, I'm sure he was thinking of DNQ'ing Italy if it came to it (which I don't agree on), but it was never mentioned officially. So stop this controversy. The only one who did publically was this so-called journalist who doesn't even deserve the title. The journalists that follow ESC were all asking to drop the subject.
So yeah, sorry, but I won't take "France being France" when many other countries were being as stupid.

Betwixt Tales

Well-known member
March 27, 2021
xrollinglol Are you sure you speak French? Because French twitter has been bursting with defamation, humiliation, horrible comments and gifs for days. When ONLY A FEW french people tried to defend the band, other french people accused those people with unspokable things. Not to mention journalists and politicians... Heck even one of your ministers said Italy should dq!

The whole thing was incredibly pathetic. France being France.
It's not the first time a country coming 2nd say those who came 1st should be disqualified. It also happened in 2000 when we (Denmark) won over Russia with Fly on the Wing of Love. All it does is make them look petty and small.
But to do it with baseless and false claims about drug use... that's a new low. (n)


January 26, 2019
Prague, Czech Republic
xrollinglol Are you sure you speak French? Because French twitter has been bursting with defamation, humiliation, horrible comments and gifs for days. When ONLY A FEW french people tried to defend the band, other french people accused those people with unspokable things. Not to mention journalists and politicians... Heck even one of your ministers said Italy should dq!

The whole thing was incredibly pathetic. France being France.
I am fairly sure Gaëlle speaks perfect French, I still haven't fully recovered from her amazing delivery of NSC countries names read in French accent ;) xheat xheat

Besides, this is not France being France, this is people getting sucked into mass hysteria having incomplete information. So, just people being people.


Well-known member
January 30, 2019
@Grinch outside of the three awful tweets by trolls (who should be sued) I've just seen a lot of people joking about it and making pun (for example RAI / rail or the "les affaires sont les affaires" meme). The public news radio station just stated that people talked about it but never asked for a dq and never assumed that it was true (just like... 99% of French people and the delegation and the artist herself, who said that they just don't care about this story).

I don't know who are the journalists you are talking about (because the first one who talked about it wasn't even French...) , but most surely it's just as if wiwibloggs would do an article and everyone saying "see how the eurofans are bad!!!" just because of that. REALLY.

But now there are just people angry everywhere.

And as I said in an other thread, yeah, thousand of Italians liking a tweet asking eurovision to punish France. It'd just getting out of control while it was une tempête dans un verre d'eau for a small bunch of people across France.


Well-known member
October 26, 2011
Are the individual jury results available yet? I’d like to check out how blatantly the French jury tried to sabotage Italy.
Edit: and Malta too. Funny how Italy got a combined 22 points from the French and Maltese televote, but a big fat zero from their juries. I guess they really wanted that win...

Italy didn't give any vote to us either.
Actually Italy came 11th to jury, as 3 put it in their top 10, and 2 hated it. One can't forbid people to hate a song...


Well-known member
January 30, 2019
(and I was also wondering, maybe there is a cultural huge difference on the way drugs are see in France and Italy. Because in France nobody really cares about it, people are often joking that music celebrities or even the president looks like someone who take drugs. But there is absolutely no judgement behind that, just jokes.)


Well-known member
May 18, 2012
A bit late with my impressions, but nevertheless want to share them... During the whole Eurovision season, I had the feeling that Switzerland will be the winner, but during the last week the feeling slightly changed to Italy (And fortunatelly wasn´t wrong although Switzerland being also in my top 10 :-) )

As someone who loves Rock music, it is great to see a rock song winning Eurovision again after 15 years, performed by an authentic band like Maneskin for sure are. Also some friends of mine, who are in rock music but usually don´t watch Eurovision feel in love with "Zitti e Buoni" and added the song to their playlists.

Also it is great for Italy, after their comeback in 2011 they kept sending great songs every year like Fai Rumore, Occidentali´s Karma, Non mi aveto fatto niente, .... and finally earned, what they deserved :-)

So already looking forward to go to Italy next year for Eurovision 2022, looking forward to meet some of you there

Why "fortunately wasn't wrong"? Why do people feel the need to back the winner? Some songs get hype and people follow the betting odds almost like if they back the winner they feel they have won as well.

Last year's Italian song was by far the best they have sent since they returned. Over the last decade I've enjoyed more from other places such as Azerbaijan and Spain.

I feel the Finnish rock/metal song had a wide appeal, so that shouldn't be ignored.
February 24, 2021
Italia fascista
Yeah, I'm so sad to see some Italians being angry toward France while we were so happy and they also deserve to be happy too instead of being angry. 😭
We Italians are not angry with the French. An entire nation cannot be blamed for one person or a small group. We Italians, even though we were both contenders for victory, have always loved, respected and supported Barbara Pravi and "Voilà. We are happy to have seen France awaken from its torpor. Now, after this first step, for me you have to continue along this good I am sure that also thanks to your renewed quality you will make the ESC even more compelling. Last year I was hoping for a song that reflected your unique way of making music (I was satisfied), now I hope that next year you will give space for the Rap genre You have an extraordinary Rap school Come to Italy and unleash the strength of the banlieue!!! xpolice

P.S .: never cry next to an Italian or in one of his threads ... you risk being hugged! xrunhug Woman warned, half saved!xhelp
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