Well-known member
Re: ITALY 2016
Annalisa Scarrone is in!
Annalisa Scarrone is in!
Annalisa Scarrone is in!
Did you hear me cheer 3000 miles away Franco ,
Her song is "The great flood".
Hopefully it's not a cheesy one, this time. xcrossed
The complete list:
Deborah Iurato e Giovanni Caccamo - Via da qui
Noemi - La borsa di una donna
Alessio Bernabei - Noi siamo infinito
Enrico Ruggeri - Il primo amore non si scorda mai
Arisa - Guardando il cielo
Rocco Hunt - Wake up
I Dear Jack - Mezzo respiro
Stadio - Un giorno mi dirai
Fragola - Infinite volte
Annalisa - Il diluvio universale
Irene Fornaciari - Blu
Neffa - Sogni e Nostalgia
Zero Assoluto - Di me e di te
Dolcenera - Ora o mai più
Clementino - Quando sono lontano
Patty Pravo - Cieli immensi
Valerio Scanu - Finalmente piove
Morgan e i Bluvertigo - Semplicemente
Francesca Michielin - Nessun grado di separazione
Elio e le Storie Tese - Vincere l'odio
Is there anywhere showing the song writers yet?
Interesting to see who Warner has writing for Nali and Arisa,
No D'Alessio, no Atzei -> GOOD NEWS.
Of my 5 Euronames, 4 are there - and they're all women - Arisa, Noemi, Dolcenera and Francesca Michielin.
Zero Assoluto are a complete surprise - and I think they're back to win the whole thing.
I like them but I would seriously warn Italians NOT to choose them - Elio e le Storie Tese. In my opinion, their message can perfectly be understood from Italians, but the same message might get lost in Europe.
Since their return in 2011
Italy has been alternating between their representative gender:
2011- a man
2012- a woman
2013- a man
2014- a woman
2015- men
2016- a woman?
But there's now a bad news. Scanu's song is written by Gigi D'Alessio.