The bad news is that ESC tv ratings are meager: yesterday it only made 7.51%
How was it in 2011 ? did it improve or degrade ?
Improved, but just a little: 2011 - 6.43%
well, if it keeps improving this way, maybe in 10 years, ESC will be a success in Italy
And one more thing, I am very suprised my country haven't given any point
I voted for Italy twice and I saw so many fans of Italy's song here but any point?
I am sure juries stole Italy's points.
Only two points from Germany...I expected a few more, tbh.
:roll: " Yeah...great..... we just helped them to overtake us"
I wanna know if they did the same kind of TV show as they did in 2011 ? If they were presenting the contest from a studio and made cuts between the songs ?
You're kidding, right?it deserved a much higher place.