Because polla = **** in Spanish.....
EDIT: penis
This is the best NF I've seen in a long time, there isn't a song I don't like! What happened in Iceland, where did they pull such talent from?!
Hahhahaha that performance is a bit retarded.. the girl with accordion doesn't play it at all, she even doesn't pretend to play it, just stand with accordion..LOL..if she wins she will annoy me so much, it's really disturbing..singing is good, but I dislike's horrible for my taste..
Because polla = **** in Spanish.....
EDIT: penis
Worse if had won the booooring and horrible 'Amor'. :twisted:
Is that a good thing or a bad thing?
It's neither, just surprising considering how retro most of the music in the Icelandic selection is the majority of years.
I see, but do you like it?
I'm not usually a fan of the Icelandic selections, and this is probably their weakest for some years. The whole thing just seems stuck in a time capsule. There isn't one song I love. My only hope is that Amor pulls a Lazarus or Lífið kviknar á ný wins. Anything else I could care less about.
@ Iuris
I liked your previous comment just because you like "Mamooooooo" , but for "Amor" I'm gonna kill ya! :twisted:
Really? I'm waiting for you
Amor = ********