Re: HUNGARY 2019
The lyrics of Posztolj (written by ByeAlex
) are like a tongue-in-cheek parody about the too much usage of Instagram.
My rough translation:
"Make a post, make post, people enjoy it, the likes are coming
the likes are coming, your picture is liked,
you must give it to people, no matter the price,
the insta filter covers you like a blanket
it makes people more beautiful
you publish a picture "nofilter",
hashtag me in the morning
hashtag, hashtag, hashtag
do you have wifi? what's the password?
I haven't had 4G for hours I didn't have many posts
I publish my night out I get 100 likes,
and then 30 more in the morning
I shoot a selfie at work
my followers like it more:
My followers like it when I give more, when I give more, the likes are coming immediately,
my followers like it more when I'm more open, yes, I'm more open
I do a live, and the likes are coming
every chick follows me they tell me "I love you"
they like my style, they tell me it's so good
where's my shoe from, they want it good too
where's my glasses from, I like that it's so trendy
I shall follow back it's worth it, she's sexy.
It's lame if you don't post
I don't know what are you up to,
make a post, make a post,
or everyone unfollows you,
this night out is beautiful, it needs a hashtag,
a filter on the dinner, it gets posted to be liked,
so you see where i ate, you see what i ate
My followers like it when I give more, when I give more, the likes are coming immediately,
my followers like it more when I'm more open, yes, I'm more open
my followers like it, yeah"