Re: HUNGARY 2019
K but for real now, here are my quick thoughts on each act and what did I get to see from performances:
• Dávid Heatlie - the lamps were better than him in his performance, and I think it says a fucking lot if a goddamn prop is way better than the whole performance! Oh and his weird spasms on the couch during the bridge and then the dashing return to the micstand - pretty entertaining, just like his facial expressions.
• The Middletonz - I lol'd at them rose dancers. Alekseev staging ha impact. Also the fuck were they wearing? I wish they could change that into something at least a little bit less drab and gray, but apparently they're changing absolutely nothing about their performance, so yet another week of shitty wardrobe awaits, oh joy.
• Klára Hajdu - I'm feeling genuinely sad for her as she's really into responding to the support of her song on Youtube and what not but her staging wasn't all that. She looked like an older version of Ace Wilder that had a child or 2 in the timespan and it was kind of forgettable also. Nice background clouds and wind machine tho.
• Gotthy - kinda knew he'd be doomed, but not "4 points from a juror"-doomed.
The televoters were surprisingly too generous to him, and I'm not saying this is bad, but imagine he was the televote qualifier and not yesyes...
• Acoustic Planet - a foreseeable qualifier for sure. Especially with that rather simple performance. However the juries miiiiight have overrated it just a little bit?
• Fatal Error - I was immersed in them more than in La Forza from our flop NF - you know it's bad when not even a hardcore fan of her country's NF stops by to watch you
Anyway, God did they deliver. Energy all around. Coloured hair snapped. Viszlát wig. This bunch is a fun one and of course I support them... however for some reason I'm not too hyped about them inside?? Is it because they're coming right off the heels of their good friends AWS? Maaaaybe. Just maybe. That and I too prefer AWS's song greatly. Good for them though, I don't doubt they will not be off my radar after A Dal 2019 is over, wherever the fate carries them over. I shall not abandon our mutual Instagram followship (yep I have an A Dal act following me on Insta... goal accomplished!
). But I would just prefer someone else.
• Bence Vavra - I would probably prefer "Satellites" over this one if I had to listen to both again back to back. Also according to some online interview, his song's lyrics got dissed by the jury? This is quite odd to make fun of, as it's already been proven countless times, not many first time viewers give a damn about them (mainly because some of them are foreign) and just go into the music. I would like to see him in the final as his nonqualification to last year's final greatly upset András for some reason.
• Diana - alright performance (yay unexpected pyro fountain!) but never saw it reaching all THAT high with anyone. My main problem is Hungary having a thing for putting the female soloists in ball gowns for upbeat tracks - of course I don't ask them to wear a real short skirt (for a mother of two like Diana that would seem inappropriate), but maybe something that would not hit the floor?
• The Sign - What a nice surprise. These guys came looking nice and went looking nice. Harmless af but kind of gotten charming with their performance and the ugly white stripes on-screen (and whatever that solar eclipse was at the last 30 seconds or so). Simplicity in white. Now I gotta say I felt something out of that song actually. It will be sad to not see them in the final as they only made it out of the heats as 5th from juries.
• yesyes - when u lower ur song's pitch live u know u won't probably carry the song like u wanted to
Nevertheless, is it me or the whole evening was just a big fan of female dancers? The rose dancer couplet, the two dancer ladies in sporty suits, Bence's dancer, that dancer in a ring... well at least the last one looked rather amusing, but for the most part some of these dancers felt kind of out of place. Sure, there's no other way to stage your popular song than competently, but should have used some more work, bitch. And their magnificent 35 of total paved the way for The Sign to qualify, how cute.
That's that but what I'm really waiting for is Leander Kills. Though I
really hope for them to not screw up (remember what you sang, Leander?
Ezt most nem ronthatom el ), neither with the staging, nor with the multiple versions of the same song, cuz if they do, then I'mma gradually lose my goddamn interest and move onto supporting Gergő Szekér fulltime because he would deserve it. Eventhough his song kinda reeks of the fate of "Legenda" lol. So please Leander, just NAIL it.