Well-known member
I´m having a cold right now, so it could be better.
It's been a while since I had this feeling. The last time I felt something for someone, she was about to leave the country and said very nice things about us which made me more sad after she left.
That's the song he sent me and said it makes him think of me, but also makes him a little melancholic because of the lyrics, especially for this part:
E tu, tu non ci sei più
Qui con me, però va beh
Qualcuno mi terrà compagnia
Saremo io e la mia malinconia
He didn't translate these lines. He probably didn't want to be specific with his feelings, or just wanted to force me into some more Italian practice. But Google translates this for me anyway.
And you, you are no longer there
Here with me, but it's okay
Someone will keep me company
It will be me and my melancholy
Well, this is because we live in different countries.
My common sense says stopping the communication is probably the best. But my heart is 250% opposite of this solution. I know I will feel the void after I stop talking to him, and we both try to postpone it as long as it goes. But it will come at some point, and both of us will feel like shit for a while.
Every time I try to convince myself this is maybe just not a big deal, all the things we have in common and the way we understand each other well get in the way of my thinking. Even texting someone online every day for hours at night without getting bored is an evidence itself, if nothing.
Sometimes life can be really exhausting, gurl.
He offered me to move in Italy with him. I said I couldn't do it now as I have my responsibilities here, but it would be possible maybe next year, to which he responded with it would be too exhausting for both of us and he wouldn't want to wait that long. We weren't moving forward but we didn't want to step back either. Eventually we came to the conclusion that cutting the communication for good would be the best for each side as he didn't want to dream of having me by his side on the edge of the bed for a year and hugging me, and I didn't disagree. I am trying to recover from this but man it hurts. I woke up with sore chest pain and difficulty with breathing for a couple of times due to stress. I wasn't expecting it to have such an impact on me, but I just lost a piece of my soul after letting him go.
In five years I will be 30, and in fifteen years I'll turn 40. This thought terrifies me right now and I cannot fall asleep because of that.
Pls help
Just do it like my Grandma, if we have to believe her; she's been 75 ever since I was born -O-
75, the real prime
I was going to ask what your secret.