Guys I really need help, it's weird but there is to me no safe space at all like this forum 
There's this friend of mine that really gets me bald spaces spontaneously on my head with his behaviour tbh
and other days we're having the best days ever, complete euphoria and we click completely.
I've been there for him forever and he really went through tough times, he always came for me for advice and support and I've always been supportive of him and told him I accept him even if no one else does as he had issues at home, we did everything together for forever, he's also been there for me always and supported me (kinda)
But lately especially he's been really moody and switches really all the time. It's crazy, and it's not an in your face immediately, he says something shallow and is completely negative all the time and gets annoyed that I'm optimistic about everything, then I legit just tell him I don't like to hear things like that and then he just goes off and screams angrily at me and we argue(in those arguments he really calls me DISGUSTING things), bcs I don't like arguing with ppl I love it's hard to me and I just ignore him for weeks, that pisses him off as well and recently I heard he's spreading weird rumours about me so my other friends don't talk to me anymore. He doesn't talk to those people at all either so one just told me straight up as he barely knew him and wanted me to know, he just doesn't want me to talk to them if I ignore him and acts childish and jealous asking if I replaced him or etc.
Mind you, he is from a country that's normally I guess supposed to be 'enemies' with someone Turkish but this had never been a problem until recently now that he started to get into politics, he has far-right views and thinks for example muslims being in camps in China is good. And he thinks in Srebrenica, we should care about Serbian perspective too. I know, crazy and scary but I know this guy for years and know his intentions are not bad even if it is hard to believe now, he is just confused and angry at certain people and this is a coping mechanism. Lately though even though he knows I'm an atheist he still calls me names when angry and/or classifies me in a group called 'garbage humans'.
The line was crossed though when recently he was talking about my family when angry at me, my mother out of all. And Idk but when I hear someone talk so disgusting and gross like he did about my MOTHER out of all people that really wakes a monster inside of me. I don't even want to say anything about that, it pisses me off thinking about it.
It is just hard. I knew this person forever, we grew up together, did everything together, but tbh I can't take the stress of another fight breaking out or the feeling after he ruins my day. I keep trying to tell him why his attitude is just wrong and why I don't think it's right to talk like that or to at least not talk to me about such things. But he has 0 growth and tells me who else is he going to share his mind with other than his closest friend... .-.
Lately he apologized a lot and said he didnt know it hurt me that much (?!) To me it was a half-ass apology tbh. His story is not mine to tell so I didn't include much of that, but lately I know he's going through extra, really hard times. I know this person needs me and I just feel like I can't ditch him now just because he's doing bad mentally. Gosh, he's toxic though, really really really toxic, racist, discriminatory, offensive and controlling, yet I know there's more to him than that he has been showing. Pls help me escunited with ur advice or I will be bald before my bday this month the 21st and no I ain't on the peak years of 75 yet.
There's this friend of mine that really gets me bald spaces spontaneously on my head with his behaviour tbh

I've been there for him forever and he really went through tough times, he always came for me for advice and support and I've always been supportive of him and told him I accept him even if no one else does as he had issues at home, we did everything together for forever, he's also been there for me always and supported me (kinda)
But lately especially he's been really moody and switches really all the time. It's crazy, and it's not an in your face immediately, he says something shallow and is completely negative all the time and gets annoyed that I'm optimistic about everything, then I legit just tell him I don't like to hear things like that and then he just goes off and screams angrily at me and we argue(in those arguments he really calls me DISGUSTING things), bcs I don't like arguing with ppl I love it's hard to me and I just ignore him for weeks, that pisses him off as well and recently I heard he's spreading weird rumours about me so my other friends don't talk to me anymore. He doesn't talk to those people at all either so one just told me straight up as he barely knew him and wanted me to know, he just doesn't want me to talk to them if I ignore him and acts childish and jealous asking if I replaced him or etc.
Mind you, he is from a country that's normally I guess supposed to be 'enemies' with someone Turkish but this had never been a problem until recently now that he started to get into politics, he has far-right views and thinks for example muslims being in camps in China is good. And he thinks in Srebrenica, we should care about Serbian perspective too. I know, crazy and scary but I know this guy for years and know his intentions are not bad even if it is hard to believe now, he is just confused and angry at certain people and this is a coping mechanism. Lately though even though he knows I'm an atheist he still calls me names when angry and/or classifies me in a group called 'garbage humans'.
The line was crossed though when recently he was talking about my family when angry at me, my mother out of all. And Idk but when I hear someone talk so disgusting and gross like he did about my MOTHER out of all people that really wakes a monster inside of me. I don't even want to say anything about that, it pisses me off thinking about it.
It is just hard. I knew this person forever, we grew up together, did everything together, but tbh I can't take the stress of another fight breaking out or the feeling after he ruins my day. I keep trying to tell him why his attitude is just wrong and why I don't think it's right to talk like that or to at least not talk to me about such things. But he has 0 growth and tells me who else is he going to share his mind with other than his closest friend... .-.
Lately he apologized a lot and said he didnt know it hurt me that much (?!) To me it was a half-ass apology tbh. His story is not mine to tell so I didn't include much of that, but lately I know he's going through extra, really hard times. I know this person needs me and I just feel like I can't ditch him now just because he's doing bad mentally. Gosh, he's toxic though, really really really toxic, racist, discriminatory, offensive and controlling, yet I know there's more to him than that he has been showing. Pls help me escunited with ur advice or I will be bald before my bday this month the 21st and no I ain't on the peak years of 75 yet.