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Well-known member
February 7, 2013
Looks like I have to pass the oral exam after all, as 108 people signed up for the Master's Degree. I don't know why I feel so anxious about it and have this small part of my brain constantly shouting "you're not good enough for this, they are much better than you and deserve that place, not you". I've procrastinated for a bit and found out that it is called imposter syndrome.

Did you ever feel like this? How do you motivate yourself? :"D

Well, if that helps u a bit, when i wanted to get in that damn master's degree course in administrative law (long time ago, 11 years to be specific) i had to pass a written exam.We were 340 applicants, fighting for the coveted 20 available spots. xrolf2 Some ot them had been studying/preparing for months, some others were already sought-after lawyers and i was just a 22yo boy who had just gotten his bachelor. I only had 2 months (July and August) to prepare. I remember going to the beach with my books - bless, those were the days. :lol:

I realised that the chances to succeed were against me, so i just stopped being anxious, i became more care-free, i tried my best and i managed to abolish all those silly thoughts that there were so many ppl better than me. I knew there were...So what? In this type of exams, being the best does not guarantee u success... xshrug It has also to do with staying calm durring the exam procedure and being able to deliver the maximun potential u have...or, as i always say, having the "inspiration of the moment". :mrgreen:

Anyway, in case u wonder, i was 15h in the exam, and the rest is history. :lol:


Well-known member
February 14, 2017
Looks like I have to pass the oral exam after all, as 108 people signed up for the Master's Degree. I don't know why I feel so anxious about it and have this small part of my brain constantly shouting "you're not good enough for this, they are much better than you and deserve that place, not you". I've procrastinated for a bit and found out that it is called imposter syndrome.

Did you ever feel like this? How do you motivate yourself? :"D

Unfortunately I'm not the best one to help because I feel the same XDD. What I'm currently studying is to get a job in a library, and I always think "I might not be the worst, but there is always someone better than me, no way I will be the best this time". But anyway I motivate myself by thinking "Olga, dear, the only reason you won't be the best is that you keep procrastinating".

Just study as much as you can, and think that many times exams are a lottery. Maybe you are asked precisely what you know best.

You can do it, come on!! xcheer


WorldVision Mod 🌻
Staff member
October 16, 2011
Well, if that helps u a bit, when i wanted to get in that damn master's degree course in administrative law (long time ago, 11 years to be specific) i had to pass a written exam.We were 340 applicants for the coveted 20 available spots. xrolf2 Some ot them had been studying/preparing for months, some others were already sought-after lawyers and i was just a 22yo boy who had just gotten his bachelor. I only had 2 months (July and August) to prepare. I remember going to the beach with my books - bless, those were the days. :lol:

I realised that the chances to succed were against me, so i just stopped being anxious, i became more care-free, i tried my best and i managed to abolish all those silly thoughts that there were so many ppl better than me. I knew there were...So what? In this type of exams, being the best does not guarantee u success... xshrug It has also to do with staying calm durring the exam procedure and being able to deliver the maximun potential u have...or, as i always say, having the "inspiration of the moment". :mrgreen:

Anyway, in case u wonder, i was 15h in the exam, and the rest is history. :lol:

Woah :eek: I did take my civil procedure textbook with me when I was in Greece in August, I hope this kind of success rubs on me too xrofl2 Not that I opened it at all but...

Thank you for telling me your personal experience with exams, this was very enlightening and quite inspiring as I see you on this forum as a role model when it comes to law! (I mean damn who else here has a PhD in Administrative law, that's badass). I usually stay calm during the exam itself, it's the "before" part that is screwing with me >.>


WorldVision Mod 🌻
Staff member
October 16, 2011
Unfortunately I'm not the best one to help because I feel the same XDD. What I'm currently studying is to get a job in a library, and I always think "I might not be the worst, but there is always someone better than me, no way I will be the best this time". But anyway I motivate myself by thinking "Olga, dear, the only reason you won't be the best is that you keep procrastinating".

Just study as much as you can, and think that many times exams are a lottery. Maybe you are asked precisely what you know best.

You can do it, come on!! xcheer

They truly are a lottery if I think about it, especially oral ones when one small question can fuck up it all :lol: If i get a question I really dont know I will just flip the table and leave dramatically. xrofl2

Good luck with your job, from what you posted here on the forum in the past, I think they should hire you asap. If anything, you're overqualified! :lol: They will not know what hit them :cool: And if it doesn't work out, let's open our own Roman Law & History University in uhhh...I guess the common country would be Italy? xrofl2


Well-known member
February 14, 2017
They truly are a lottery if I think about it, especially oral ones when one small question can fuck up it all :lol: If i get a question I really dont know I will just flip the table and leave dramatically. xrofl2

Good luck with your job, from what you posted here on the forum in the past, I think they should hire you asap. If anything, you're overqualified! :lol: They will not know what hit them :cool: And if it doesn't work out, let's open our own Roman Law & History University in uhhh...I guess the common country would be Italy? xrofl2

:lol: Look, if you are asked something you don't know, use the imagination and link it SOMEHOW with something you know a lot about. Here's an example:

Question: territorial planning of public library services in Catalonia.

Me: For a better understanding of this issue, it’s key knowing the classical concept of library and how the Romans brought it here through the Romanisation… [write an essay that ends with the burn of the library of Alexandria, while the Rosetta Stone is in the British Museum nowadays]. So, as history shows us, books and documents written on stones are the future, because it’s a fireproof material. In Catalonia, there are stones here, here, here and here (map). There is where we must build public libraries.


March 3, 2014
[MENTION=8763]Gera11[/MENTION] !!

You deserve that place, and you know that. You gotta speak it into existence. Think only about yourself, don't think about any other ppl that signed up. It's you vs. you. You gotta beat yourself and make you proud. Study your ass off and go in there and give your best. Be calm and take a few deep breaths. Confidence will be key. You might not know all the correct answers, but as long as you present your thoughts in a confident and positive way you will impress them. Make sure they will feel your energy, your vibe, make your they will know that YOU are the best and you want to get in there. They will be impressed by you and your knowledge. It's the law of attraction, what you express will get back to you. When you go out there you gotta be thinking "I did my best, they have no other option then choosing me". And then when you will get the acceptance message you will know it was worth it and you will live your dream. You can do it my friend I'm counting on you!



Well-known member
December 23, 2010
Westchester - Los Angeles
Looks like I have to pass the oral exam after all, as 108 people signed up for the Master's Degree. I don't know why I feel so anxious about it and have this small part of my brain constantly shouting "you're not good enough for this, they are much better than you and deserve that place, not you". I've procrastinated for a bit and found out that it is called imposter syndrome.

Did you ever feel like this? How do you motivate yourself? :"D

In everything that you do, there’s only one way to go which is forward. You will do the best you can in your oral exams and the entire application process! Once you give it your all, take time to breathe and appreciate the hard work that you’ve put into the process. Trust the process, believe in your capacity and show the admissions committee that you are a cut above the rest!

As for my personal experience, it took me 2 tries to get into my doctoral program. The first try, I knew that I wasn’t ready, but I wanted to see how far I can get. My bachelors degree was in French and Linguistics, so completely unrelated. I was waitlisted. There were 200+ applicants for 10 spots, and I was number 23 xrollinglol. I wanted the admission committee to see that Audiology is what I truly want to do with my life. I took 1 year of recommended course work in communicative disorders, and I volunteered as an assistant at clinic to show that I understand what I’m getting into. Next time I applied, I was offered a coveted spot and a scholarship (only 1 of the 10 get the scholarship).

What I’m getting at is that you should believe in yourself, and you are more capable than you believe to be. I’m cheering you on!

P.S. I’m still going through impostor syndrome whenever I see patients, but I always tell myself that I’m in front of the patients for a reason and that I’m doing everything I can to be accurate and precise.


WorldVision Mod 🌻
Staff member
October 16, 2011
As for my personal experience, it took me 2 tries to get into my doctoral program. The first try, I knew that I wasn’t ready, but I wanted to see how far I can get. My bachelors degree was in French and Linguistics, so completely unrelated. I was waitlisted. There were 200+ applicants for 10 spots, and I was number 23 xrollinglol. I wanted the admission committee to see that Audiology is what I truly want to do with my life. I took 1 year of recommended course work in communicative disorders, and I volunteered as an assistant at clinic to show that I understand what I’m getting into. Next time I applied, I was offered a coveted spot and a scholarship (only 1 of the 10 get the scholarship).

Thank you for sharing your story! When I read this and Nicholas' personal experience I feel really ashamed now, because in my case it's just 108 applicants for 50 spots :"D I feel way more confident now haha! Your point about convincing the admission committee that you truly want to do this is very inspiring and made me think a lot about it. In my case, I really want to pass this exam and study my Master's Degree even if it only lasts two semesters because they will (hopefully) go a lot more in-depth with a lot of legal aspects and procedures that we didn't touch in the first 4 years of law school and I feel that it will really help me with the big "monsters" that are still in my future: the bar exam and entrance exam for judge. Your commitment to push through is also very inspiring. Congratulations for the scholarship! :D

P.S. I’m still going through impostor syndrome whenever I see patients, but I always tell myself that I’m in front of the patients for a reason and that I’m doing everything I can to be accurate and precise.

Ah..I read on Reddit that it happens quite a lot in your profession. I admire your self-confidence. You are indeed doing it a for a reason and I am happy for the patients that are in your care, because they are lucky to be in the hands of such a committed doctor.

In everything that you do, there’s only one way to go which is forward. You will do the best you can in your oral exams and the entire application process! Once you give it your all, take time to breathe and appreciate the hard work that you’ve put into the process. Trust the process, believe in your capacity and show the admissions committee that you are a cut above the rest!

What I’m getting at is that you should believe in yourself, and you are more capable than you believe to be. I’m cheering you on!

Thank you so much! xheart


Well-known member
December 7, 2013
San Fierro
Probably too early to tell but.. As this hard and partly depressing for me decade comes to an end, I manage to finish it on higher note. My personal dark years that were 2014-2016 fortunately has passed and two other also not easy years of self-rehabilitation that were necessary lead me to where I am now - solid start of my life. Nothing is perfect but I have less reasons than 5 or even 8 years ago to worry about my life (and the fact my existence in the first place). I glad that I started overcoming some weaknesses and psychological self-terror without medical therapy. Also as always pure luck (which I call God witness) has helped me. Pure luck, oh gosh. I'm so lucky at big things.

I'm looking forward to my 4th decade (90's, 00's, 10's and now 20's). As older I get, the more cool and vintage 90's seem to me, because I partly remember those years :D 00's were very burlesque, but progressive and exciting, i consider them as biggest part of my life, 10's were... rather controversial, especially since 2014, when war started and basically my world perception started to change hugely. But 10's also brought more freedom and opportunities for exploration (that I - what a shame - didn't use properly).

I'm still young unlike my friends and former classmates who are already married and have kids. Good luck and wish much fun to them :D Hopefully I'll also manage to survive 20's.


Well-known member
February 14, 2017
One more week until the most important exam. I'm so looking forward to doing it to let my brain rest without feeling guilty. I also desperately need to dedicate some time to my hobbies, but it would be very irresponsible doing it now.


Super Moderator 🌴
Staff member
March 1, 2013
One more week until the most important exam. I'm so looking forward to doing it to let my brain rest without feeling guilty. I also desperately need to dedicate some time to my hobbies, but it would be very irresponsible doing it now.

There is such a thing as over doing it with studying, but i'm sure you know that. Take it easy and don't over do it just before your exam or you will be burnt out. It might be worth spending a couple or so hours on your hobbies before hand to refresh yourself a bit. Never the less, you'll kill it i'm sure. :D


July 12, 2014
A Mhar
I've seen a lot of cute and crazy animal videos. The vast majority of them are really cute and I adore it. However, there are some that make me think; "Is there like any limit at all nowadays?" xrofl

I've seen:
'Woman becomes BFFs with adorable little wasp'
'Woman adopts and feeds her cute pet rats' (lmao, so... an infestation xrofl)
'Adorable ant and girl are inseperable'
'This lady saved the spiders life, now every day he visits her to thank her.'
'Her pet tiger is a lazy, goofy couchcat'
'This lady and her pet killer cobra have a special bond.'

Like where does it end :'D

I'm still waiting for: 'She fed and saved this injured moths life!'
'She saved a family cockroaches in her kitchen and decided to adopt them.'
'Woman moves to north pole for her pet polar bear.'

I like as an environmentalist that people are much more friendly with animals in this era but there should be a limit XD also, wild animals shouldn't be kept as pets. I know some can if the owner is willing to really learn about their lifestyles, but not a tiger, a puma or a venomous cobra people! xrofl also why are people raising and feeding pests in their homes I'm dead :lol:

I'm feeling equal parts bliss and confusion at the same time :lol:


July 12, 2014
A Mhar
[MENTION=9441]RainyWoods[/MENTION] I see you lurking here. I can a 1000% imagine you as one of those ladies uploading such videos on your instagram and going viral. And then like putting ur @ everywhere and asking ppl to follow you as well. In it for the cloud


February 9, 2012
[MENTION=13974]DenizESC[/MENTION] I befriended a spider living on my staircase a while back. Every night when I made my ready made meal like the sad singleton that I am, I’d go and sit with him. I felt that he and I had this special connection going on. I did feel sorry for this spider though as there was never any flies in his web. About a month later he was gone, and now I’ll never know what happened to him. He might have died of starvation and I did nothing to help.


February 9, 2012
[MENTION=9441]RainyWoods[/MENTION] I see you lurking here. I can a 1000% imagine you as one of those ladies uploading such videos on your instagram and going viral. And then like putting ur @ everywhere and asking ppl to follow you as well. In it for the cloud

Actually, this is likely going to be me very, very soon as I just (true story) spent my birthday money on a stupidly priced The Velvet Underground & Nico hoodie by the fashion label Supreme. There’s going to have to be several hundred filtered shots of me wearing it, posing next to the corpse of my spider friend, and please don’t forget to like, follow, subscribe and sponsor my beautiful life which none of you can ever have. And here’s my meal for today. Let me take a picture of it to share with my fans. I love all my followers x @myself


I feel lowkey a bit braindead for buying it. I’ll spend 100 on a good denim jacket so I suppose I gotta think like that. When am I going to get a chance to wear clothing with my ultimate icons face plastered on again? If anyone deserves to get robbed so that they can own a Nico garment, it’s me. I can’t wait to receive it and just stare at it.
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