Ah, it's good, it's so good!!!! Definitely in the minority here, but who cares! "Echo" has so many things that I love to hear in the music that I listen to. Experimental, powerful singing, strings, twists and turns, haunting backing vocals.... it's a dang roller coaster! And who doesn't like roller coasters? Well, I do love them at least. Anyways, like I said, this song sure does not get boring. It uses the 3 minutes perfectly and Iru's vocals at the climax of the song together with the strings gives me a boost of adrenaline. The whole song does, actually! Right from the beginning there's an addictive percussion going on that launches the listener into a ride. Then it slows down for a bit in the first verse, until it sets off again and after that it does not slow down anymore until the middle eight part, only to drop into the powerful final chorus. It's fantastic!
The lyrics are nothing to write home about, in fact they're honestly... worthless. But everything else about the song makes it easy for me to ignore them. I also feel like with more time in the oven this could become even more powerful, combined with just purely turning it into Georgian. Though for me personally, what is here is enough and I like it a lot.
Final score: