Re: GEORGIA 2019 - Oto Nemsadze - Sul Tsin Iare
Certainly is dramatic and he has an impressive voice, but I don't think this is very much my thing. I couldn't care for the lyrics, and happy they're not in English. Really, if it is a nationalistic song, it amuses me when they're english and not their native language. Feeling so nationalistic, but in English! I'll give this 6 as a top half of the middle, because I don't mind it and it's not a boring sleeping pill but really, I don't think i'll be back in this topic.
Certainly is dramatic and he has an impressive voice, but I don't think this is very much my thing. I couldn't care for the lyrics, and happy they're not in English. Really, if it is a nationalistic song, it amuses me when they're english and not their native language. Feeling so nationalistic, but in English! I'll give this 6 as a top half of the middle, because I don't mind it and it's not a boring sleeping pill but really, I don't think i'll be back in this topic.