Re: Eurovision 2010 - Rehearsals
Well, I don't care that much about Lena as much as I do about Malcolm Lincoln to be honest, was more referring to them, I just don't like that "weird" label people are using when describing some of the contestants, so I felt I should stand in her defence
Still, even though I probably won't be voting for Germany, that is one of the best songs this year. It is more about the song for me, than the pure voice which doesn't mean that much, especially when it is just being admired from some kind of technical point of view. That would mean that Paula lady is better than, don't know, David Bowie for example, just because she can hit some high notes. I don't find her voice beautiful in any way :roll: and far from the truth is the line "all of them are artists". All of them are singers, that's all. That's why you should vote for Estonia and make me happyyyyyyy
and I'm really objective right now 
Alexu said:1. Not being an artist is strangeher style is strange...at least for me, is just my opinion (but I can see that I'm not the only one that thinks that), and by the way she is not the only artist from this year....all of them are artists
Lena is just a more 'special" artist.....singing on stage with different shoes ?! :shock: lol
2. Paula's costume is pornish? :shock: OMG!the piano is really cool...
Lena will never be able to sing as Paula does, and I'm really objective right now...Lena might have her charisma but definately she hasn't impressive vocal abilities.
3. Nobody should take this personally, not everybody loves Lena, is just about tastes and opinions.
Well, I don't care that much about Lena as much as I do about Malcolm Lincoln to be honest, was more referring to them, I just don't like that "weird" label people are using when describing some of the contestants, so I felt I should stand in her defence