Storm is a mish-mash of a lot of famous songs. I hear One Direction here, Ariana Grande there. Very uninspired.
I still like it though lol
Hmm... I know we every year get accusations of plagiarism however in this case it's a close call imo:
Definitely not hearing it.
Can't hear it either. A vague similarity at best, nothing that would even remotely fall under plagiarism.
WHITE CHOCOLATE DESERVES BETTER TOOYeah, I don’t think this has been killed by the draw at all. Conan/Hatari/Kate teaming up to keep this disaster in the semis where it belongs is a highly enticing internet fanfic but reads like one nonetheless. As likely for me is that that trio is A LOT for viewers to take in and people appreciate theirvanillavanilla deserves better white chocolate palate cleanser between all the insanity.