As far as the semi allocation goes - yeah, SF1 is looking a lot more competitive at the moment despite SF2 having the stronger list of countries. May as well make a bit of an early prediction here before the usual qualification thread pops up:
From SF1, I'm already seeing 12 countries that seem to be likely qualifiers, and even about half of the others should at least stand a good chance, I think. But clearly we can't have like 14 qualifiers, so for now I'll try to cut things down and make some guesses:
SF1 1st Half:

SF1 2nd Half:

Biggest uncertainties here are perhaps Belgium (might not grab the televoters enough), Armenia (depends on revamp/staging), Bulgaria (likely in but we haven't seen the song yet) and Cyprus/Greece (I'm not sure both of those similar songs can get through the same half). They could be replaced by Azerbaijan (similar situation to the two I've just mentioned), Belarus (probably borderline support), Albania (depending on the revamp) and Switzerland.
SF2 feels a little harder to predict, given that we've got less in the way of competitive songs and more just have a lot of countries with successful records, and I've never been quite as good at analysing that sort of thing. Here, I have the opposite issue to SF1, and I'm struggling to get 10 songs that are more likely in than out. Nonetheless, my guesses for qualifiers from each half would be:
SF2 1st Half:

SF2 2nd Half:

For this semi, I'm not too confident about predicting Russia (weak singer, and no song yet), Norway (the opposite situation - good, well-liked singer with an average song), Hungary (could go absolutely anywhere), Latvia (probably high with juries but not televoters) and Malta (possibly amateurish; needs good staging). They could be replaced with Moldova, Serbia, Poland or Slovenia without really surprising me.