My coins on the songs:
They're solid and professional (nothing sounded like a pure demo experience), can be said as sure tickets to the grand final. However, I also worry these will have a big chance of lopsided support (just like their former two entries).
"White and Black Holes" - This is a curse. How can you make an ambient entry that is this beautiful? It has progress, progress, and climaxed into a good ending. I'm voting or this one.
"Wanna Be Like" - probably going to hijack my parents' phone and vote for this one also. It's the most promising radio hit out of the two we have. It's fresh, tropical, flavorful, and of course, not the-midtempo-reggaeton-entry-that-has-a-buildup-to-a-dance-drop
"Get Up" - I adore this one. I love the amount of angst and directness of it. Plus, it's groovy, too. Although the 12/8 signature is not my favorite, it might work on the stage better than expected.
"Dark Water" - I feel it's solid, but not revolutionary in any means. The verses are better than the choruses, but the choruses is also an earworm on its own, so I won't cut its chances.
"Kemama" - It's really catchy and club-oriented (we can see the audience jumping with this one) but really risky and prone, like a two-edged sword -- it could do really-really well, or gets chopped down by the juries. I feel it's also trickier to stage this particular one, but this is Benny Cristo so he'll probably slide easily with it. I also have problem with how weak it's buildup is - I can't really notice a prominent chorus in it.
"At Least We've Tried" - This is decent, but it's easy to swallow inbetween the other finalists. I also don't really like Karelll's voice, kind of screechy at some point.
"All The Blood" - it sounds okay-ish? I expected coincidental punk pop to be more explosive than this, but this is also decent. The question is probably how will they stage this? I mean, you can't graphically show blood on the stage.