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Croatia CROATIA 2023 - Let 3 - Mama ŠČ!

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ESC United Mod Team

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February 10, 2021

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Bobjan FR

Well-known member
December 11, 2021
I notice that, as for czechia, now it's croatia which isn't officialized on the website of eurovision :ROFLMAO: (all the others are, even marco with due vite).

I know you blamed it on CT for czechia being officialized late but, two times with this case, it's not random. It comforts me that, when a song could be polemical, they control it and maybe debate it before.
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Well-known member
May 17, 2015
This person should get some facts;
- Let 3 is not homophobic
- Their song is not a war song nor it calls for it
- They are not nude on stage (they might be crazy for ordinary people, but they are not stupid)
- Lyrics: you get it or not
- and trying to justify calls for disqualification because Russia was also banned from ESC (and Georgian entry back in 2009) is actually... I don't even have a name for it. Chill.
April 10, 2021
I notice that, as for czechia, now it's croatia which isn't officialized on the website of eurovision :ROFLMAO: (all the others are, even marco with due vite).

I know you blamed it on CT for czechia being officialized late but, two times with this case, it's not random. It comforts me that, when a song could be polemical, they control it and maybe debate it before.

Croatian broadcaster HRT confirmed today in their news at 19:50 that they are going to Eurovision.

EBU wants changes in staging only.


January 29, 2017
Loin d'ici

If Verka Serduchka came 2nd at Eurovision, I don't see why Let 3 shouldn't at least get to the final.​

Hello and a very welcome to ESCUnited Forum.

Thank you for your first post ever!

It's true that Verka Serduchka came 2nd at Eurovision, and she should she have even won, however, this song is more on par with Czechia 2009, Serbia 2009, Georgia 2012 and Montenegro 2012 rather than Ukraine 2007.

I think the reason why Verka Serduchka did not win in the end, was that she came across as a butch lipstick lesbian.
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April 10, 2021
Thank you for clarifying @PollyWantsACracker !! I wasn’t sure myself

The story I heard was from a Croatian - but I presume they meant it as “Serbians claim that happened” rather than it being fact

I heard that from some Croatians here as well. People in Croatia and specifically Croatian media are quite limited on international politics. While I know about the birthday tractor because I saw it on BBC and Kyiv Independent and several international media mocking Lukashenko and Putin, most Croats do not follow such sources. The level of media culture in Croatia is actually quite low. Thus I attribute this assumption among Croats to what they remember from the war, because they are fairly uneducated about Russia's war against both Georgia and Ukraine.

But what some trolls do here and Serbian media assuming this is about Operation Storm is just an extension of old Slobodan Milosevic propaganda, used the same way by Putin in Ukraine today, to rewrite the history, to portray themselves as "victims of genocide in Donbas" to have an argument "to defend Russians in Ukraine", yeah, by razing to ground Russian speaking Mariupol.

The latter are trully vile because they would go as far as to exploit artists of Serbian descent who live in Croatia to depict them as some Nazis who should be banned from Europe.

I'm becoming disgusted by this.

I must add that as a war refugee from Bosnia I would never support any mockery of people who fled the war, regardless of whether they fled because they belonged to supporters of occupying forces or were expelled by such. The war is cruel to all civilians. That's for some other thread though.

But this only shows that what Let 3 wrote is not a "joke act" as some here claim.

When people tell you how they understood them, and they see 123 different meanings, or they invoke differrent memories, or they start to be exploited by nationalistic propaganda in Serbia, all of that shows that Let 3 wrote a song which is a mirror to society and its morality in times of war.

Also, the way how some Europeans reacted to this entry has told me a lot about them. E.g. gay people who felt offended seeing a little bit of male peaches of Let 3 yesterday, but felt zero offence with Chanel's peach last year, or those who claim that Let 3 should be disqaulified on the same ground as Belarus who wanted to compete with an entry celebrating Lukashenko trying to imprison opposition and protesters, and don't see any difference between that song and this one.

Oh boy, if this is how an average European understands and sees a democratic society, with Let 3 as a problem, then baby, call an end to it. It's doomsday people. We might as well give up and propose Beijing to annex EU to China. 🤣

So no, this is not "a joke" song, it's brilliant!
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April 25, 2012
If it's a joke entry, it's the least funny joke entry ever.

If it's an attempt for political satire, it's way too confusing to channel the intended message.

And i'm getting sick that eurovision is slowly turning into "who hates russia the most vision"


October 1, 2009
If it's a joke entry, it's the least funny joke entry ever.

If it's an attempt for political satire, it's way too confusing to channel the intended message.

And i'm getting sick that eurovision is slowly turning into "who hates russia putin the most vision"


April 25, 2012

well still the same.

i don't want political entries in eurovision. or at least, take notes from czechia, who does it tastefully.

this is just cringe and boomer humor, i could see my grandfather sharing on facebook putin or erdogan's edited photo in makeup thinking it's funny.
April 10, 2021
The masterpiece has been uploaded to Eurovision official channel, bye bye disQ trolls.

Many thanks to beautiful Ukrainian and Polish and Serbian and Spanish and Czech comments! 💛💙

For Europe united against tyranny!



Well-known member
May 14, 2019
Sydney, Australia
I'm so confused by this. The visuals and style look like something I could get behind, but I can't read 28 pages (right now) to understand what it really is or is trying to say, if anything, though I suspect it is because of the use of missile props, which is very borderline for Eurovision.

Basically, if it's an anti-Putin, anti-war song then I'm-all in 100%. If it's not, then I'm not. I do feel like it is anti-Putin/Russia and anti-war. Please enlighten me.
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