For my choisses (Withing an review):
2000 -
should have won... I never was fan of the Olssen Brothers and Alsou was robbed...¡¡¡¡
2001 -
- Im fall in love with Antique atfer listen
Die For You, just before Helena slip from Antique an won ESC 2005, how i wished that Antique could rep. Greece again
Nusa Dreneda was
for my taste.
2002 - My first ESC watch ever too - with the fever of Operacion Trifunfo in Latin America too
i like
Celebration song, but atfer listen live the songs of
, how i wished that one of therse songs won over I Wanna.
2003 -
was my bets that year, i never was listen the Sertab song, but i atfer hear his perfomance i know that the battle was beteewn her & T.A.T.U , but overvall
chould be an good winner
2004 -
is the unquestionable winner at first sight, but also i liked the
, and
songs and also any of them could be a good winner too xrockout
2005 -
Was my favorite to win from the begining all the time
, but i fall in love with
(specially this one
(If was here
) was another good year too
2006 - I never was fan of
, i could preffer see
wining over hers.
2007 - My favorite ESC ever... any of them could have been a good winner, but personally i was love to see
2008 - Was ovious that
was the winner, but i like more
(She is my DIVA)
, also
was verry good
2009 - Also was pretty ovious that
was to win too, but i like here
(Atfer his perfomance)
2010 - I never expect
to win.. but i was preffer
to my taste
2011 - Im glad that one of my favorites
won, but this year i was rooting for
, ,
(Atfer his perfomance),
in the final