Once again, but this time in French :
He still hasn't realized that he had won Eurosong. It's pure madness, he has not slept, but he's living the dream. He was amazed by the reaction of the public in Het Sportpaleis and by their standing-ovation (looking at you, Danny

...). He enjoys the moment, but hasn't have the time yet to check his Facebook and Twitter accounts.
He repeats that he's first a Belgian. But he's really moved that, being a Walloon, he was nonetheless choosen by the Flemishs. He doesn't want to be considered as an icon, the symbol of the gathering of all Belgians. He's a singer and he does his job. He will do his best in Copenhagen to make his country and his fellow citizens proud.
His experience with "The Voice" was an excellent coaching for him, especially with Natasha St-Pierre (she's one of the coach, here, fyi). He has grown up and become the singer he is today. It was a great opportunity, as you can do a lot of things, after that.
He has changed his appearence last year, after "The Voice". He thinks the beard suits him more, as he is now 30 years old. It was time for him, as he's not a "chubby" little boy anymore (well, his exact expression is lost in translation... How do you translate "joufflu" in English ?

). He thinks it's an honor to be compared to Pavarotti. But he doesn't see himself like that. Yes, he has a loud voice, but he's certainly not a classical singer. Still, it's a beautiful compliment...
His aim is to pass the semi-final and go to the grand final. He will be very happy with that. And if he wins, he will be very glad to make his country win.