I suppose though they'll just give us the name of the artist and (perhaps) the song, but will present the song later on (near the deadline in march)
Eberhard Forcher said the decision would be made this week. But what about the announcement? Also this week? In that case we have 2 days left, cause I don't think they'd announce it on saturday or sunday....
As in former years I expect it to be announced during the Ö3 Wecker.
It looks like they made only the decision this week. I have no hopes that we get to know the austrian Representer in 6 Hours...
DÖF is lit! haha - I'm a 90's kid and even I know them... My biology teacher always used to play "Codo" to us on random occasions and back then we were all like WTF
Would have been a classic Eurovision entry btw
While waiting...